3 Steps to an Approach
3 Steps for approaching girls
This is a simple little post that gets back to the basics. This is a reminder what exactly your
purpose is in a pick up.
BEGINNING – preparation … clothing, props, initiate an entertaining and interactive conversation (that is what an OPENER is all about).
MIDDLE – using entertaining stories and routines, you convey the humour, confidence and the other typical attractive traits, use NEGS to make them chase you, test them (stop conversation to see if they reinitiate it) and look for the indicators to see if closing is worth doing (like KINO, position and body language, laughter, etc), usually 3 positive indicators.
END – close or eject based on the indicators. Closing will stall when you don’t realise that you will succeed with the close if you have witnessed 3 positive indicators. Decide on either the *close or the #close. If pressed for time, just #close… but try to kiss her goodbye on the LIPS if you have a little time, always KISS CLOSE.
Once again, I urge you, if you don’t already own Mystery’s Ebook
buy the Magic Bullets now. It will make a world of difference in your love life. Trust me!!!!!
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.