Seduction and Dating TIps
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 09:42:54 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Digest Number 518
>> and started AMOG’ing me in the way you’re describing. Basically, he said
something like, “Oh, I have no choice against this guy (meaning me), because
he must be an ass model.”
HA! Hahahahah! You have to admit that’s ace even if he crashed and burned.
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 21:19:10 -0000
From: “David Caswell”>
Subject: Re: Body language
> David wrote:
> What David says here is exactly my problem. Thanks for putting
that into words!
> will be easier to remember when I am screwing everything up next time
I’m glad to help.
Chicks are not the same as men. I find it best not to read too much
into their words or behavior; from a man’s point of view a lot of it
appears pretty random. Have a plan of what you want to do with a
chick, if she wants to stop you, she will. After she does, and most
likely she’ll feel she has to at least once to keep from appearing
“easy,” try again later. Gently, but consistently.
The best advice is to pay attention to her, and not your own emotions,
thoughts, and fears. But, and this is a key distinction, don’t
over-analyze the meaning of the things she does (or says), because
that is not really paying attention to her. It’s only paying attention
to how you’re reacting to her, and that’s what your supposed to forget
about to begin with.
Clear as mud?
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 00:03:47 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Step by Step (day 4)
Ok, today was a defeat for me!!! The start was real good but the day
was a real hell.
Like i said in the past my two new missons are ask for directions and
make eye contact with a smile.
To put it more easy i decide to ask just 5 girls for directions and 1
to make eye contact with a smile, and i fail it.
I asked to 5 girls for directions, but i couldn’t smile when i make
eye contact with anyone. I need more courage,
The first girl that i see was real intresting because i just make eye
contact and she smile me and give me a “hi”, but i fail again, my
courage failed and i didn’t say anything to this girl.
Well, maybe tomorrow i can be more inspired. Let’s see. Was just my
first defeat in this game.
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 19:43:27 -0500
From: “tjeep”
Subject: Re: Re: Body language
If she has crossed her arms, stick your hand out, allow her to give you her
hand and hold her hand while you keep doing what you were doing, then look
at her hand and smile a little, move a finger over a line or 2 of her hands,
say ” umm interesting” then let go of her hand.
This just takes the conversation to a new level, because she’s thinking and
wants to know what you meant or saw.
Now you have a new topic to talk about and get her interested more in you.
If a woman wants to flash her tits or make you notice her, she might start
adjusting her bra straps or lean in to let her eyes look down on hers.
If I was talking to a woman and she crosses her arms, I would cross mine and
say something funny like ” Do you think GQ would like this” and move my nose
This will say all the right things to her.
—– Original Message —–
From: “David Caswell”
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 4:19 PM
Subject: [seduction_dating] Re: Body language
> — In, Nils Tonne
> wrote:
>> David wrote:
>> What David says here is exactly my problem. Thanks for putting
> that into words!
>> will be easier to remember when I am screwing everything up next time
> I’m glad to help.
> Chicks are not the same as men. I find it best not to read too much
> into their words or behavior; from a man’s point of view a lot of it
> appears pretty random. Have a plan of what you want to do with a
> chick, if she wants to stop you, she will. After she does, and most
> likely she’ll feel she has to at least once to keep from appearing
> “easy,” try again later. Gently, but consistently.
> The best advice is to pay attention to her, and not your own emotions,
> thoughts, and fears. But, and this is a key distinction, don’t
> over-analyze the meaning of the things she does (or says), because
> that is not really paying attention to her. It’s only paying attention
> to how you’re reacting to her, and that’s what your supposed to forget
> about to begin with.
> Clear as mud?
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:07:09 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Re: Body language
>>The best advice is to pay attention to her, and not your own emotions,
thoughts, and fears. But, and this is a key distinction, don’t
over-analyze the meaning of the things she does (or says), because
that is not really paying attention to her. It’s only paying attention
to how you’re reacting to her, and that’s what your supposed to forget
about to begin with.
This is something I need to be constantly reminded of – pay attention to HER
and how she’s reacting, not to my own emotions and reactions because they
just throw me off.
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 13:10:05 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: Damn damn DAMN!
Just did an interview with a HB9, early twenties, and I strongly got “that
feeling” but I could not bring myself to do anything about it, like number
close or anything.
When I told her I was done, she did a nose in the air thing and said “Oh, is
that it, well — bye then…”
Now I am kicking myself. I realized that if that interaction took place in a
pub or nightclub I would pull her without hesitation (or try to), but in the
day I have never really done it much before.
BUT I promise the group that if I see her again during my rounds I will do
the deed.
PS: That said I remind myself that pulling skirt is NOT the aim of this
drill – as far as that is concerned I did what I was supposed to do, which
is open, create rapport, then eject.
Message: 7
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 04:26:58 -0000
From: “seduction_function”
Subject: I recieved the Expect good C.D…
I listened to it and cannot remember much of it, but I feel a whole
lot better… Just like the natural leader C.D, I will now listen to
it in trance, and “out of trance”… (I’ll listen to it both ways, as
with the natural leader C.D)
The first time I listened to the natural leader C.D, and went in
trance I couldn’t remember anything of it… which means that it went
into my subconscious… (which is what I want)
I’ll listen to it a few more times in trance, and then go in trance,
and out of trance (consciously, to listen) which means I fast forward
to the part where Bill is not doing Hypnosis to the part where he
is “inputting the transforming information)
In other words, I’ll do with this, as I have done with the natural
leader C.D… I’ll listen to it both ways… alternating… this
seams to work for me…
Bill doesn’t promote this aspect of it, but I believe that for the
very first time, or few times, that one should listen to Bill, and
then go in trance, (as he hypmotizes you) then afterwards, you can
alternate… (listening to it consciously, as well)
This works for me…
I am so satisfied with Bills Natural Leader which I have had for a
long time, and now this product, that I am now going to order the
other product that he has… to go along with these two products…
I’ll give my impressions on 2 C.D set, as soon as I listen to it
Anyway, Bill…
I’ll be ordering that, and you’ll see a paypal payment in a few
Please send it to the Edmonton address, that I gave you before…
(where you just sent, Expect Good)
Thanks for getting the product out fast, as usual…
I’ll be waiting for the two C.D set…
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:39:43 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: Princess gets the chop
I just uncovered a dirty little secret with this minx I’ve been trying to
seduce for ages – she let the cat out of the bag that she will be with me
PROVIDING I buy her lots of expensive presents.
BAM! She’s out, just like that. The guillotine couldn’t have cut her off any
It felt awesome. Today I have more respect for myself.
Message: 9
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 05:59:49 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Princess gets the chop
— In, “Hart, Simon”
> I just uncovered a dirty little secret with this minx I’ve been
trying to
> seduce for ages – she let the cat out of the bag that she will be
with me
> PROVIDING I buy her lots of expensive presents.
> BAM! She’s out, just like that. The guillotine couldn’t have cut her
off any
> faster.
> It felt awesome. Today I have more respect for myself.
> S
Good job, man. I’m sure it feels great!
Message: 10
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 06:04:09 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Step by Step (day 4)
— In, “dddrsos”
> Ok, today was a defeat for me!!! The start was real good but the day
> was a real hell.
> Like i said in the past my two new missons are ask for directions and
> make eye contact with a smile.
> To put it more easy i decide to ask just 5 girls for directions and 1
> to make eye contact with a smile, and i fail it.
> I asked to 5 girls for directions, but i couldn’t smile when i make
> eye contact with anyone. I need more courage,
> The first girl that i see was real intresting because i just make eye
> contact and she smile me and give me a “hi”, but i fail again, my
> courage failed and i didn’t say anything to this girl.
> Well, maybe tomorrow i can be more inspired. Let’s see. Was just my
> first defeat in this game.
I don’t see that as a defeat at all– unless you stop the drill. That
is merely a speed bump.
You did good…keep going. As someone suggested earlier in a previous
thread, check out your smile with a mirror. Train your muscles to
smile. I know it SOUNDS funny, but it works.
Is there any self-talk going on that you’re aware of?
Message: 11
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 04:58:02 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Damn damn DAMN!
— “Hart, Simon”
> Just did an interview with a HB9, early twenties,
> and I strongly got “that
> feeling” but I could not bring myself to do anything
> about it, like number
> close or anything.
> When I told her I was done, she did a nose in the
> air thing and said “Oh, is
> that it, well — bye then…”
> Now I am kicking myself. I realized that if that
> interaction took place in a
> pub or nightclub I would pull her without hesitation
> (or try to), but in the
> day I have never really done it much before.
> BUT I promise the group that if I see her again
> during my rounds I will do
> the deed.
> S
> PS: That said I remind myself that pulling skirt is
> NOT the aim of this
> drill – as far as that is concerned I did what I was
> supposed to do, which
> is open, create rapport, then eject.
The nerve of that girl…wanting still more of your
time 🙂 You are one focused dude!
“Love to stay and chit chat but I still got 99 more
girls to see”
Message: 12
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 06:31:26 -0500
From: “tjeep”
Subject: Re: Damn damn DAMN!
But the drill had a little closing end, about getting her email, if the
report gets chosen.
Anyhow, don’t focus on her too much, she’s just a girl and the next time you
see her, -to her- you’re just a guy, who once talked to her. And she might
not be in the same emotional state. Beautiful women are everywhere.
Train yourself to ask for contact info, even if you get blown away doing it.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Hart, Simon”
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 9:10 PM
Subject: [seduction_dating] Damn damn DAMN!
> Just did an interview with a HB9, early twenties, and I strongly got “that
> feeling” but I could not bring myself to do anything about it, like number
> close or anything.
> When I told her I was done, she did a nose in the air thing and said “Oh,
> is
> that it, well — bye then…”
> Now I am kicking myself. I realized that if that interaction took place in
> a
> pub or nightclub I would pull her without hesitation (or try to), but in
> the
> day I have never really done it much before.
> BUT I promise the group that if I see her again during my rounds I will do
> the deed.
> S
> PS: That said I remind myself that pulling skirt is NOT the aim of this
> drill – as far as that is concerned I did what I was supposed to do, which
> is open, create rapport, then eject.
Message: 13
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 14:21:01 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Re: Step by Step (day 4)
> I don’t see that as a defeat at all– unless you stop the drill. That
> is merely a speed bump.
> You did good…keep going. As someone suggested earlier in a previous
> thread, check out your smile with a mirror. Train your muscles to
> smile. I know it SOUNDS funny, but it works.
> Is there any self-talk going on that you’re aware of?
> Warmly,
> George
I think that my problem isn’t creat a habit of smile, because i smile
to everyone that i know, but i will do this exercise with a mirror.
My self-talk say me things like that…”Come on, if you don’t do it
you will have a real sad day”..”It’s easy, just smile to the girl”, in
conclusion my unconsciouse try to encourage me but my courage wasn’t
helpefull. Maybe today i will do better.
Message: 14
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:21:53 -0500
From: “J Eric Murphy”
Subject: So I Finally Made Approaches
Today a week into the drill and I stopped trying to make excuses and
start making approaches. Up until now I had no idea how horrifying it
was for me to go up and talk to strangers. I’ve always made excuses
like this is dumb, but I have learn it isn’t, now that I can see that
I am just afraid I can accept it and work through it. Thank you
George and Chun for giving me some friendly pointers but not a swift
kick in the rear.
Message: 15
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:38:14 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: So I Finally Made Approaches
— J Eric Murphy wrote:
> Today a week into the drill and I stopped trying to
> make excuses and
> start making approaches. Up until now I had no idea
> how horrifying it
> was for me to go up and talk to strangers. I’ve
> always made excuses
> like this is dumb, but I have learn it isn’t, now
> that I can see that
> I am just afraid I can accept it and work through
> it. Thank you
> George and Chun for giving me some friendly pointers
> but not a swift
> kick in the rear.
> Eric
Congrats on making it through the first step. Realize
that you’re doing something that the majority of men
cannot do. Give yourself a pat on the back.
P.S. for optimal results read the 21 day drill in the
files section (created by Hypno Bill)
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. Â For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.