March 8 2006

Message: 1
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 16:28:15 +0800
From: “T Tan”
Subject: Re: Re: Body Language

Hate to put a dampener on the whole thing but I respectfully disagree with

I had a post exactly like this a few months back, and from the replies I got
and further experiences, this is what I’ve got to say.

Basically you fell into the “Safe Zone Syndrome”, which is you concentrated
too much on convo, exchange of words and ideas blah blah.. a lot like this
post =)!

From what I gather this dragged on without any attempt on your part to
progress the set into more risque stuff, ie physicallity, sex and all that

Balls man this has happened to me so many times. Another thing(albeit minor)
was sitting opposite her. If the table is round or you can find some tactful
out of it, try for adjacent. It helps make it feel less formal and even
contrived if you ask me.Also seems less weird when you do kino, cuz u gotta
reach across the table and all that shit

Anyway a little fluff is good, even necessary, but too much kills any
non-platonic expectations or states she may have had or been in faster than
ice melts in the bloody gobi desert.Too much fluff also leaves the set open
to stalls, which I think is what happened when she uncrossed her arms

Kino is a must after a while of talking, and while the hair thing was good,
it should not have been the defining kino moment of the set. Kino her when
you made her laugh or at other high points of the convo.

I’d ask her out again and IF she even agrees, step up the kino. Greet with a
hug and hold on a little longer, look sincerely happy to see her and this
whole disjunction between her initial and current impressions might just
work in creating more mystique for yourself.

Just my thought

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 18:52:19 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Body Language

— In, “T Tan” wrote:
> Hate to put a dampener on the whole thing but I respectfully
disagree with
> George.

I really don’t know what you disagree with. What is it specifically
that you disagree with?




Message: 3
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 22:01:26 -0000
From: “David Caswell”
Subject: Re: Body Language

— In, “nitz_boy” wrote:
> Gentlemen,
> I approached a very beautiful young lady got her e-mail address and
> started writing e-mails with her. After a few e-mails back and
> forth, I sucessfully got her to meet me at a local coffeeshop. Upon
> her entry she came in and shook my hand as if I were a business
> associate meeting a sales rep. We started a conversation, and had a
> very nice discussion, however I could not find a way to seguae into
> speaking romantically. I got her to laugh a lot, and was able to use
> my body language in such a manner that I got her to play with her
> hair for a bit. However after a while she crossed her arms. So I
> leaned back in my chair and relaxed my breathing, and I got her to
> uncrossed her arms for a while, but I could tell she was not making
> great eye contact with me, and eventually crossed her arms again.
> I’m not sure what this is all about. I sometimes get this with
> women. It’s as if they are waiting for me to do something, I’m just
> not sure what. While we had a very interesting and intellectual
> discussion, apearantly I failed to capture her imagination in the
> way that I want.
> So the end of our meeting came about, and she gave me her phone
> number before she left. However before she left, she offered me
> another complimentary handshake (to which I replied with a hug, and
> got a hug in return (cheesy I know, but I’m working on it)). She did
> agree to meet me again, but I’m not sure if I should call her. I
> have other options, but I would like to see this young lady again.

If it felt like a business handshake to you it probably felt that way
to her also. It’s your job (the man’s job) to make it feel the way you
want it to feel. The name of this group is not “Guy Relaxes While
Chick Seduces Him” okay? Your job is not to just hangout and judge how
sexy her handshakes are.

Two questions:
1. How far did you want to get with her?
2. How far did you get, and where did she stop you?

Stop it! Stop right now worrying about whether her arms are crossed.
Stop worrying about your body language and whether she touches her
hair. That’s not a man’s job. Who is your prototypical man’s man? Can
you picture James Bond, Paul Newman, or Steve McQueen caring about
whether her arms are crossed?

When she crossed her arms it might have meant she was cold, maybe it
meant she was trying to hold her tits up to give you a great view but
you know what it probably meant? It meant, “poor me, I guess this is
another night where I’m sleeping alone. This guy isn’t interested in
me. I was hoping for romance and great sex. If I’m lucky I’ll get a
business handshake at the hand.”

What did you tell her at the end of the date? “You’re a nine, but your
handshakes are a four, I’m looking for better handshakes.”


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:23:09 -0500
From: “tjeep”
Subject: FR from Weekend

I decided to add a few FR write ups, so members are encouraged to do so, And to
show that this group isn’t just about over coming fear or knowing how to break
the ice.

Saturday made plans to go sarging with other members, we met at Starbucks, as I
go to add sugar and cream to my coffee, this HB is fixing her’s beside me, so I
opened her right away with a color opener and her friend joins in, but they are
sitting on the same table as the rest of the group, so we just take it friendly
and enjoy the conversation.

Later on, met with other group in a different coffee shop, and right away I
opened the waitress and kept coming back to chat whenever she had free time.
playfully, of course. Then as I was leaving, she asked for my name.
On the other table, there was a group of at least 8 girls with 3 guys, I walked
up to them and asked them about good places and about the crowds, I figured if
we go to the same place, then they are easier to re-open and so on.

We go to Karina’s, small place, crowded, loud music, and line up of people still
coming in, we decided to leave and we went to another place.

As soon as I walked in, I walked straight to the 1st girl my eyes saw and
another brother was 2 ft away opening her friend, I see one of my school buddies
and it was his b-day as well it was mine, there was this girl ( who I couldn’t
figure out) she’s my type of 8, as I was talking to my friend, she tried to get
my attention, then I walked over to a bartender who was 10+ ( met her before),
as soon as saw me she came to me and kissed/hugged me and had 2 shots from her,
she told me how good I smell and I was all the way inside the bar with her other

I gained HV since I was in VIP area, then I went over to my friend’s group and
walked up and introduced herself to me, then I got my friend and we head to the
bar, and this HB8 followed us, we go back to the bar and my bartender, takes my
hand and hugs me again, I ran a few negs on her, then this HB8 walks over near
me and asks me about my name Again, I started flirting with her and then the
bartender hands me her phone number, tells me about the after party.

The group got a bottle and the bartender offered me to go into the VIP area, I
agreed to let my friends go there, and in the way out,

I open a set of 4 girls, 10 minutes and one of them snaps a picture of us and
with a girl I was talking to. I was throwing negs and it was working, they all
were loving me and I k-closed the girl.

I told her I should look for my friends before they get drunk and kill each
other or push the fat boy off the window, but I would like to see those pictures
soon and I got an email address.

Go back, I couldn’t see any lair ppl, but the other group has gotten the bottle
and all were waiting for me, even the bartender, but the HB8 came to me and told
me that they didn’t let them into the lounge. so I went there to talk to the
person in charge and I got a vibe with her, when the bartender was leaning in to
hand me a drink, I guess she wanted me back, then I got the drink and I
continued talking to the other VIP girl, when I see another shot coming my way.

Minutes later, I’m about to go out, when the VIP girl tells me you can come in
anytime, I asked her for a pen, because I wanted to write the email address I
got off the other HB and when I go back to give it to her, I put it behind my
back, I made her guess in which hand. Right, I open my right, nothing there,
Left, I opened my left, nothing there. She hugs me to find it. I whispered in
her ear, your fortune cookies told u to do so.

I leave the VIP area to find the HB8 standing by the gate, I started talking to
her and holding eye contact, then talked to my friend a little, wanted to make
sure she’s not his g/f or something and went back to talk to her while leaning
as in ” Come eat me or rape me” and I didn’t go to the kiss. Big mistake.

It was getting late and I was tried, besides I had to walk back to Karina’s to
get my coat, so I asked for her info and she told me that she would get them of
my friend and she asked him if he has my number and shit, I told her that girls
are shy to call
to which she replied life is like a chocolate box, you never what’s inside, I
carried the conversation 3 more minutes then I decided to have fun.
Later on I opened another girl, but her b/f was there, still had fun for 10

Then I told my friend that I had enough and I would be leaving, he invited me to
a party next Thursday with a large group of friends.

Checked on Lair guys, they were gone, so I said bye to the bartender and

Walked over to Karina’s and had 2 interactions.

A girl walked over and stuck her whole body onto mine
HB1: What’s your name?
ME: hmm, … direct pick up line
HB1: Where you from?
ME: Would you believe me if I said Earth
HB1: You wanna buy a drink?
ME: NO, I’m fine
HB1: Ok, buy me one
ME: smiling … why don’t you buy me one, then.

She was a shooter girl, I didn’t notice before, so she walked off to others
trying to sell.

Later on, I saw one of the waitresses I have interacted with 2 hours earlier (
before leaving that place) and when I returned around 2 40 to take my stuff.
In my way out I saw her walking by and smiled. Being where she is and working
all night long around drunk guys, I tried closing her;

ME: I think you’re too much of a nice girl
HB: Thank you
ME: and ….I am a bad boy
HB: smiles
ME: But I could be wrong about you and the best way is to find out is to get in
HB: but .. I have a b/f
ME: great, someone to go to the movies with.
ME: But that has no relation to what we’re talking about.
HB: I’m always here, come see me again.
ME: I always try new places, unless if I feel good about one place, I might
ME: Pleasure meeting you, Mel.
HB: here’s a couple of VIPs.
ME: I said you were a nice girl, I gave her one kiss and I ejected.

Results 1 email address, 2 phone numbers, 1 k-close.
Time consumed : 90 minutes

Conclusions: the more the better, the better the faster you become in learning
and performance.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 09:28:30 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Constructing Routines

I have been constructing my own routines, and all I’ve been doing is
listening to myself when ever I tell or hear funny stories from my own life.

If they get a good reaction, I remember them and maybe beef them up a bit
and commit them to memory. I think this is better than sitting there trying
to write them like a script writer.

They are also more unusual and sound real. Like when I get the chance I tell
a story about how I once pushed a giant snowball off a bridge onto a
passenger train roof, causing a massive dent in it and terrifying
passengers, and got arrested for willful damage. This is in fact a true
story, but I would never have been able to sit there a dream it up.



Message: 6
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:26:46 -0500
From: “tjeep”
Subject: Internet -F.close

Last week, I had lots of work to do and with the nice cold weather we were
having, I couldn’t go out, but I needed to keep my talents active, so I made a
plan to email 5 girls everyday.

Day 1:
5 emails out/ 4 replies same day

5 out + 4 replies / 8 replies back

Just reply to the previous replies
and got 1 number and 3 MSNs

Talked the 1 # girl on the phone and I didn’t really like her, so I ended the
conversation. Next day, she emailed me the following:

yea so,listen up,ur b-day is special and so u r,and let’s do somethign for ur
b-day!it’d be nice if we can get to see each other,talk about sooo many
things,bring some tape just in case I end up talking too much,,hehehe,i donno
when would be a good time,but it’ll be fun if u like!


She’s a 6, nice body, but a child inside, I made her come meet me in a cafe
after that we went for a walk, I was in a good mood to approach other girls, but
I didn’t wanna make it too obvious, because I don’t want to appear like an a$$.

Long story short, I walked up to her place, and we ended up watching a movie. I
started to play with her hair and making fun of her split ends, ( to which i
have the right, since I am a part-time hairdresser) then she leans in hoping
that I would kiss her, I held eye contact with her for as long as I can

I stroked her neck, then pulled her hair a little to the back and said

“Did you see my necklace?”

She looked down and I could feel she was really horney, as if she has taken “E”
and she begun to undo my shirt and running her hand over my chest.

I interrupted ” Would you like to kiss me?”

Yeeees, she answered

okay, I let you kiss me here , as I pointed on my upper chest and she started to
do all the things she could do with her mouth.

Hey. now you’re not paying attention to the movie, I won’t be able to tell you
the whole story afterwards, so she stopped and pulled back.

I leaned towards her, smelled her, and ” oh, now I got your smell over me.

She put her head on my shoulder and her fingers started to run over my chest
again and then she kissed my neck.

Whoow, without permission, now that’s cheating, you’re in trouble now

She laughed.

No, that’s not funny, remove your top, I have to bite you for breaking the

Within 10 seconds, I was biting on her and the rest took place in her secret


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 7
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:28:56 -0500
From: “tjeep”
Subject: FR Thursday

Went to Living last night, got there around 10:40, there was no-line up, but
still talked to the doorman for 30 seconds, then got in, the place was sorta
empty of chicks, mostly males, alpha or model looking to be specific.

I am meeting the guys from Lair, but they were gonna show up later, as the night
is hosted by DYLG group, I know about the 9’s and 10’s are everywhere and people
know each other from the site, but I hardly know any people and I didn’t wanna
look like a loser, so I though what a real PUA would do and within 3 minutes I
was walking around and socializing with people and I made my way to the
organizers, I became ” one of them” they were introducing me to their friends,
offered cigarettes and drinks, dancing and hi5ing me and then they told me to
go sign my name on the casting list for tonight.

I know I ain’t got the look, but I also know I am not shy and I have to feel and
be one of them. I did this 2 minutes before my buddies from Lair showed up.

I was in DYLG shirt and everyone was respecting me with their looks or smiles.
I had status and I was walking to girls, talking with them, I took the idea of
my mind that I had no chances, because the other guys had the look and the
muscles., but I have the inner game.
I had taken pictures with the organizers, with girls, but yes the music was

fast forward, I flirted a couple of times with the coat check girl, I got her
name and her last name and when I was leaving at 2 30, I talked for 1 minute and
got her email address.

Next time I go there, she’ll have me on her guestlist.
As simple as this.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 8
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 01:52:05 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Week Two: Online Dating Update

Hey guys,

This is just a quick update on my test drive of Simon’s method:

From week 1: Got 3 on the phone, met 2 in person. Both of them
qualify for more. We’ll see– I will talk to them both tomorrow night.
S is 24, 5’9″, slender -I’l give her an 8.3. J is 27, 5’4″, athletic,
–I’ll give her a 7.5

For reference purposes, my 10 is 5’10 /5’11” 135-140lbs, 34C, angelic
face, killer body and a really good personality(tough one, I know).
Haven’t met many of those yet, so most attractive women so far have
been in the 9+ range.

Last week’s effort: (Week 2)

Emailed: 120 active members (active in the last 3 days)
Replies received so far: 44
a)Short one liners: “send more photos” or a version thereof 17(Way
too high!)
b)Specific question why I emailed her: 6
c)Loooong replies with bunch of questions: 5
d)Phone numbers received: 0
e) “Not interested” canned response 7
f)Really mean feminazi type response: 1
g)The last 8 were lame- 0 personality

Ok, so I’ve got 2 from the last week- at least one of them is in the
bag and from this group I’ll get at least a few– I’ll be targeting b)
and c) obviously.

Should I even bother with a)? I’m thinking about not responding to
them at all. They seem to be the photo collecting business. LOL

Man, this is a lot of work, but I’ll stick with it for a month.

Hey, Simon, are you getting any “send more photos” messages? I do one
by one and that works great.



Message: 9
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 02:00:02 -0000
From: “dddrsos”
Subject: Step by Step (day 3)

This 3º day i decided to do a chalange. If i ask 20 girls for the time
and make eye contact and have response with other 20 in just 1 hour i
will finish these first two missions.
And i won it. I won this chalange and now i feel ready to the secound
part of “21 Day Walk Up Drill”. In this secound part i will do again
two new missions in the same time.
I will ask for directions and make eye contact with a smile. This is
more dificult, i think that is not so dificult to ask for directions,
but make eye contact and smile yes, its dificult to me when i don’t
know the girl.
For the people that did these two parts of “21 Day Walk Up Drill”,
have you any advise for me to make it easy?


Message: 10
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:59:04 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Re: Hit a tough patch on Report Drill

I’m rolling again today, did 3 more. One girl talked for half an hour. My
paranoia and anxiety were back more towards ordinary levels.



Message: 11
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:09:29 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Week Two: Online Dating Update

>>Man, this is a lot of work, but I’ll stick with it for a month.

Oh yeah its work, but you are getting results huh? Your odds about about
exactly the same as my odds, if you get 2 in person that’s great. It is cool
to see that the method works the same for another guy.

I would like to know what site you are using?

One thing I do find is that there comes a time where I realize I’ve emailed
virtually EVERYONE on that site who is worth emailing, so when my membership
runs out I try another and the whole process starts again…

>>Hey, Simon, are you getting any “send more photos” messages? I do one
by one and that works great.

No I don’t think I’ve had that yet. I get them on MSN and then start
swapping pics with them anyway so I think this is perhaps why. I am also
getting quite skilled at getting girls to start taking sexy pics just for
me! TEE-HEE! I had one girl yesterday dressing up for me and taking pics of
herself and I have never met her yet (probably never will after that!)

This is a more advanced level in the videogame.


One thing I noticed though which is SO right and which that post that David
linked to yesterday talks about is that girls totally over-rate themselves.
Or even they have no natural clue about what level they are on.

I’ve had plenty of fat and blatantly ugly girls sending me the WORST pics
and going “Do you think I’m cute?”

What do you say to that? “No you are as pretty as a bag of hammers!” – It’s
painful, I say something like “yeah you are kinda cute” then I pull the
eject handle and whiz off into the sky…



Message: 12
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 13:27:40 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Step by Step (day 3)

>For the people that did these two parts of “21 Day Walk Up Drill”, have you
any advise for me to make it easy?

Yes, it is never easy…



Message: 13
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 02:32:39 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Step by Step (day 3)

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> >For the people that did these two parts of “21 Day Walk Up Drill”,
have you
> any advise for me to make it easy?
> Yes, it is never easy…
> S

The drill is simple, but it’s not easy.



Message: 14
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 21:32:19 -0500
From: “tjeep
Subject: Re: Speed Dating?

I didn’t go, because it would ruin my plans for Saturday. Sorry guys, I
can’t give you anything yet.
—– Original Message —–
From: “tjeep”
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [seduction_dating] Speed Dating?

> Tomorrow Saturday, one of my friends asked me to go with him, I agreed to
> do
> it as a starter, because my aim is to leave from there and go somewhere,
> where real people are just to socialize, I don’t have any games planned
> …
> yet, I’m going for the fun of it, I believe I’ll learn more than I will
> invest.
> The downside to this is it’s mostly French, and my language isn’t that
> great.
> I’ll keep the group updated on it.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: “Aaron Kulkis”
> To:
> Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 5:41 AM
> Subject: Re: [seduction_dating] Speed Dating?
>> George wrote:
>>> Hey guys,
>>> A member of our group asked me for advice regarding Speed Dating. I
>>> told him I’ve never been to those events and I don’t like to give
>>> information unless I’ve experienced it/tested in some way. I told him
>>> I’d pass the question on to the group.
>> To me, the idea is ok, but poorly executed. 6-8 minutes just isn’t
>> long enough to even lay down a foundation for good seduction — and
>> so it’s really slanted towards those who have excellant looks or
>> (for guys) flashy indicators of $$$ and/or willing to lie like crazy.
>> IF they would slow down the pace, to like, 20-25 minutes, it would
>> work a lot better.
>> Instead, with 6-8 minutes, all you really have time to do is
>> exchange pleasantries, and reply to the usual litany of “what
>> do you do?” (i.e. how much money do you make), and other proxy
>> questions for the same info.
>> The other thing is, your also hand is already revealed by even
>> showing up (women can always feign disinterest in anything serious
>> by pretending that they “just want to go out” but doubt that many
>> women will buy that same explanation from men.
>> Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s what comes to mind to me.
>>> Has anyone been to those events? Gives us the good and the bad.
>> Me — no…and not interested. Structured to the point of killing
>> a good idea.


Message: 15
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 21:40:28 -0500
From: “J Eric Murphy”
Subject: Re: Re: Step by Step (day 3)

I’ve finally started working on this drill too.
On 3/7/06, George wrote:
> — In, “Hart, Simon”
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > >For the people that did these two parts of “21 Day Walk Up Drill”,
> have you
> > any advise for me to make it easy?
> >
> > Yes, it is never easy…
> >
> > S
> The drill is simple, but it’s not easy.
> Warmly,
> George

I can agree with George and Simon it hasn’t been easy. one week in and
I have said hello to exactly 0 people. I can walk up and smile but
the words don’t come out of my mouth. Seems hard to go and say hello
just to say hello. Give me a good swift kick in the tail will you



Message: 16
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 19:07:47 -0800 (PST)
From: dee fex
Subject: Re: Re: Body Language


David your posts rock man. I’m not overly focused
on these types of body language issues but your
point hit home non-the-less. Anything more than
a few seconds spent noticing / interpreting
these things could be way too much!



David Caswell wrote: — In, “nitz_boy” wrote:
> Gentlemen,
> I approached a very beautiful young lady got her e-mail address and
> started writing e-mails with her. After a few e-mails back and
> forth, I sucessfully got her to meet me at a local coffeeshop. Upon
> her entry she came in and shook my hand as if I were a business
> associate meeting a sales rep. We started a conversation, and had a
> very nice discussion, however I could not find a way to seguae into
> speaking romantically. I got her to laugh a lot, and was able to use
> my body language in such a manner that I got her to play with her
> hair for a bit. However after a while she crossed her arms. So I
> leaned back in my chair and relaxed my breathing, and I got her to
> uncrossed her arms for a while, but I could tell she was not making
> great eye contact with me, and eventually crossed her arms again.
> I’m not sure what this is all about. I sometimes get this with
> women. It’s as if they are waiting for me to do something, I’m just
> not sure what. While we had a very interesting and intellectual
> discussion, apearantly I failed to capture her imagination in the
> way that I want.
> So the end of our meeting came about, and she gave me her phone
> number before she left. However before she left, she offered me
> another complimentary handshake (to which I replied with a hug, and
> got a hug in return (cheesy I know, but I’m working on it)). She did
> agree to meet me again, but I’m not sure if I should call her. I
> have other options, but I would like to see this young lady again.

If it felt like a business handshake to you it probably felt that way
to her also. It’s your job (the man’s job) to make it feel the way you
want it to feel. The name of this group is not “Guy Relaxes While
Chick Seduces Him” okay? Your job is not to just hangout and judge how
sexy her handshakes are.

Two questions:
1. How far did you want to get with her?
2. How far did you get, and where did she stop you?

Stop it! Stop right now worrying about whether her arms are crossed.
Stop worrying about your body language and whether she touches her
hair. That’s not a man’s job. Who is your prototypical man’s man? Can
you picture James Bond, Paul Newman, or Steve McQueen caring about
whether her arms are crossed?

When she crossed her arms it might have meant she was cold, maybe it
meant she was trying to hold her tits up to give you a great view but
you know what it probably meant? It meant, “poor me, I guess this is
another night where I’m sleeping alone. This guy isn’t interested in
me. I was hoping for romance and great sex. If I’m lucky I’ll get a
business handshake at the hand.”

What did you tell her at the end of the date? “You’re a nine, but your
handshakes are a four, I’m looking for better handshakes.”


Message: 17
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 19:43:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: Re: Re: Step by Step (day 3)

— J Eric Murphy wrote:

> I’ve finally started working on this drill too.
> On 3/7/06, George wrote:
> > — In, “Hart,
> Simon”
> > wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > >For the people that did these two parts of “21
> Day Walk Up Drill”,
> > have you
> > > any advise for me to make it easy?
> > >
> > > Yes, it is never easy…
> > >
> > > S
> > The drill is simple, but it’s not easy.
> >
> > Warmly,
> > George
> I can agree with George and Simon it hasn’t been
> easy. one week in and
> I have said hello to exactly 0 people. I can walk
> up and smile but
> the words don’t come out of my mouth. Seems hard to
> go and say hello
> just to say hello. Give me a good swift kick in the
> tail will you
> George?
> Eric

Hey Eric, the 21 day drill is a great start. It forms
the foundation for everything you do from now on. It
helped with my approaches tremendoulsy. Start out by
asking for the time, just walk up to anyone (men,
women, old, young) doesnt matter and build from there.




Message: 18
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 19:57:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Chunwah Ho
Subject: RE: Constructing Routines

— “Hart, Simon” wrote:

> I have been constructing my own routines, and all
> I’ve been doing is
> listening to myself when ever I tell or hear funny
> stories from my own life.
> If they get a good reaction, I remember them and
> maybe beef them up a bit
> and commit them to memory. I think this is better
> than sitting there trying
> to write them like a script writer.
> They are also more unusual and sound real. Like when
> I get the chance I tell
> a story about how I once pushed a giant snowball off
> a bridge onto a
> passenger train roof, causing a massive dent in it
> and terrifying
> passengers, and got arrested for willful damage.
> This is in fact a true
> story, but I would never have been able to sit there
> a dream it up.
> S

Thanks for the advice Simon, I came up with a couple
that are not just stories but I wanted to give them
something to chew on and promote some good
conversations. I tried them out on a few
approaches…it sucked LOL



Message: 19
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 22:47:42 -0500
From: “J Eric Murphy”
Subject: Re: Re: Step by Step (day 3)

On 3/7/06, Chunwah Ho wrote:

> Hey Eric, the 21 day drill is a great start. It forms
> the foundation for everything you do from now on. It
> helped with my approaches tremendoulsy. Start out by
> asking for the time, just walk up to anyone (men,
> women, old, young) doesnt matter and build from there.
> Chun
Thanks Chun,
If I feel I have something to ask like the time it might make it
easier because it seems to serve no purpose to to say hello to people.
Besides I haven’t worn a watch in years.


Message: 20
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 12:08:18 +0800
From: “T Tan”
Subject: Re: Re: Body Language

George : you felt that on the the whole,the interaction was “good work”. I
felt it read like it was pretty forced, esp toward the end, and disagreed .

On 3/8/06, George wrote:
> — In, “T Tan” wrote:
> >
> > Hate to put a dampener on the whole thing but I respectfully
> disagree with
> > George.
> I really don’t know what you disagree with. What is it specifically
> that you disagree with?
> Warmly,
> George

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 21
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 04:15:03 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Body Language

— In, “T Tan” wrote:
> George : you felt that on the the whole,the interaction was “good
work”. I
> felt it read like it was pretty forced, esp toward the end, and
disagreed .

No problem there,we agree to disagree. I gave him props for taking
action and doing something in the field. When I look at the big
picture, he did good and there are things he can do better and improve
next time.



Message: 22
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 04:23:53 -0000
From: “George
Subject: Re: Step by Step (day 3)

— In, “J Eric Murphy”
> On 3/7/06, Chunwah Ho wrote:
> > Hey Eric, the 21 day drill is a great start. It forms
> > the foundation for everything you do from now on. It
> > helped with my approaches tremendoulsy. Start out by
> > asking for the time, just walk up to anyone (men,
> > women, old, young) doesnt matter and build from there.
> >
> > Chun
> Thanks Chun,
> If I feel I have something to ask like the time it might make it
> easier because it seems to serve no purpose to to say hello to people.
> Besides I haven’t worn a watch in years.
> Eric

Hi Eric,

No kicks here for the man who takes action– just some friendly pointers.

By the way, saying “Hello” does serve a useful pupose — don’t let
your unsconscious mind tell you it doesn’t. It’ll probably go
something like this “This is stupid, no one says Hello to strangers,
blah, blah, blah.” OR “I’ll look like a dork, blah, blah, blah” or
“What if they don’t say Hello back, I’ll feel really stupid, blah,
blah, blah” or something like that.

Take the reins in your hands and tell it to “SHUT THE FUCK UP,NOW!”

I second Chun’s advice.



Message: 23
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:31:13 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: RE: Re: Step by Step (day 3)

> It’ll probably go something like this “This is stupid, no one says Hello
to strangers, blah, blah, blah.” OR “I’ll look like a dork, blah, blah,
blah” or “What if they don’t say Hello back, I’ll feel really stupid, blah,
blah, blah” or something like that.

I think that being able to hear what’s coming out of your subconscious is a
skill in itself. It is usually saying something concrete, and if you listen,
there is a definite message. You have to just be open and LISTEN.

Yesterday I was walking away from my reporter drill and I was listening to
what my subconscious was saying, and it was saying something like this:

“This drill is INVASIVE to women’s privacy… You are being INVASIVE”

How WEIRD is that? It’s like it was someone else’s voice.



Message: 24
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 05:44:51 -0000
From: “George”
Subject: Re: Step by Step (day 3)

— In, “Hart, Simon”
> > It’ll probably go something like this “This is stupid, no one says
> to strangers, blah, blah, blah.” OR “I’ll look like a dork, blah, blah,
> blah” or “What if they don’t say Hello back, I’ll feel really
stupid, blah,
> blah, blah” or something like that.
> I think that being able to hear what’s coming out of your
subconscious is a
> skill in itself. It is usually saying something concrete, and if you
> there is a definite message. You have to just be open and LISTEN.
> Yesterday I was walking away from my reporter drill and I was
listening to
> what my subconscious was saying, and it was saying something like this:
> “This drill is INVASIVE to women’s privacy… You are being INVASIVE”
> How WEIRD is that? It’s like it was someone else’s voice.
> S

Yes, it’s a skill and most people are aware of it, but while you’re
doing something it’s not the best time to have a debate with it. You
go and review what happened after your field work and see if there is
anything legitimate to learn or if that was just your unconscious
trying to maintain its most valued status quo.



Message: 25
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 18:14:57 +1100
From: “Hart, Simon”
Subject: What is Alpha?

I’d be interested to hear what you guys now think your definition of Alpha

I ask this because I’ve found many times in recent months that I have great
success of taking the piss out of Alpha guys for being Alpha, and it works!
Women laugh, they think it’s hilarious.

I’ve actually created attraction in girls by saying “I am scrawny and
pathetic! I have no hope! Not like these big alpha guys over here!” (Thumb
in direction of loud alpha wolfpack). And they totally love it to bits, they
think its ace.

It’s as though they’ve just never thought about it that way before. My
victim can be the coolest buff surf dude in the place, and if I go “look at
that big dork, he’s pretending to be James Bond!” then all of his coolness
transforms instantly into the ridiculous. It’s like the spell and power of
that image can snap if you can get them to see it from another angle.

So my point is that that ALPHA MODEL is not what it seems. Every guy is
gunning for that, it’s too goddamn typical and obvious.

I think virtually anyone can be made fun of. The only people who are
probably bullet proof are guys like Brad Pitt and George Clooney etc, who
just ooze natural power and relaxed charisma, but I’ve never seen that many
guys in the pub/club who is really bullet-proof in this sense, maybe the odd
one or two. Mostly it is guys trying to loudly portray to the environment
that they are alpha.

It’s because ego IS ridiculous when on display – it is FALSE PERSONALITY and
fragile as hell, a mask – underneath it there is usually nothing. And if you
are doing it you better have something behind it to back it up with, like
being a Hollywood movie star with TALENT.

I guess the point of this post is I think the trap of self-development in
this area can encourage you to go down this path, and it’s a false way I
think. A LOT of David DeAngelo’s stuff I would say encourages you to go for
this (what I would call) PRIMATIVE ALPHA MODEL. You know:

Stand straight, go to the gym, shoulders back, squint, feet shoulder width
apart, look down your nose, chest out, be a MAAAN…

It doesn’t even work for him, if you watch his DVD’s.


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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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