Kino and Seduction

Here is another one of Derek’s articles. When learning to seduce women, or just pick them
up in a bar, it is always good to have some tricks up your sleeve. Anyone familiar with
Mystery’s method knows this, as well as anyone who’s read Neal Straus’s “The Game:
Penetrating the Secret Society of the Pickup Artist.” Below is a Derek’s take on it.

We men might not be interested in the stars or fortune telling, but most women are. And that can be used to create very playful and fun conversations, to sustain positive touch, and to influence how your date will act with you. The esoteric is a powerful friend.

What Are Women Interested In?

Think about this a moment: what is one area of knowledge that most women are interested in? Hint: most men think it’s stupid. Tick-tock-tick-tock… time’s up.

The esoteric.

Why? Because even if a woman doesn’t REALLY believe the stars have anything to do with her mood, astrology is all about relationships and emotions (and since it’s illogical men tend to laugh).

Even if she thinks the lines on her palms have more to do with her tennis grip than her life, she’ll still enjoy talking about the future and all THOSE emotions and possibilities.

In short, that sort of inner esoteric material is fun to think about. And even though it’s improbable, a lot of women will have a seed of hope that there’s truth in the ancient traditions – because that’s a pretty damn romantic idea.

Don’t Talk About the Star Trek Stuff

On the other hand, talking about aliens and political conspiracies will mostly bore her, although it fulfills the same deep desires – just for men.

Why? Conspiracies are all about the outer world and logic – while the inner one is what most women are more interested in.

So, great, you’ve got a number of interesting topics there. Take the zodiac.

You don’t want to open with "What’s your sign, baby?” You might as well grow a porn moustache and rename yourself Dork Diggler.

The Zodiac Doesn’t Have To Be A 70’s Opener

But after you’ve got a little conversation going and she’s having fun with you, it can be a playful tangent. Maybe you’ve just had a particularly good laugh, your eyes are smiling and your hands holding, and you ask "What’s your birthday?”

If she misunderstands and thinks you’re asking her age, great – you’ll probably get her age, and you can tease her about how dense she is, to not get what you’re saying.

But when she gives you her birth date, you can answer with a thoughtful "Ah…” or "That explains it.” or "Uh-oh, watch out. I’m trouble baby.”

In any topic, cliff-hanging remarks like that will almost ALWAYS prompt a response – and you can dance around it for awhile, playfully teasing.

But in this case, since the topic is one she is probably at least a little interested in, you can have all sorts of conversations branch off from it.

You Don’t Have To Believe – But At Least Know Something About It

Now understand, you’re going to have to do a little homework here. Not much – but enough that you know what she’s talking about if you wind up with a girl who’s REALLY into this shit (which will happen sooner than you think).

For instance, say you lead with "I’m trouble baby.” When you eventually get around to answering why (and remember again, take your time, build suspense) you don’t want to be exposed for a fraud.

Say she asks you your birthday, you tell her, and she says "No, that doesn’t sound right. That doesn’t make any sense. Unless your ascendant is wood or your moon fire. Is it?”

You don’t want to answer "Uh… raaaaaaaeeeeyt.” You want to know at least enough to say "You know, I never found out my time of birth, so I don’t know. In fact, I don’t know much about all that – why don’t you explain it?”

PLAY With Her

NOW you can have a lot of fun. If you meet this sort of girl and she’s going on, you can just riff off that. Playfully make fun of her. "So you honestly think that because the moon was 54 degrees off the horizon instead of 56, that I was a bedwetter until I was 5? Oh, that damn moon! I blame Armstrong’s big step, that musta done it.”

You don’t have to believe this stuff – in fact, it can work great if you don’t. But you should know enough that you can converse about it, because it’s almost always an interesting conversation for the lady.

Also, because it’s all about relationships, the zodiac lends itself well to sexual innuendo. Or it sometimes directly talks about it.

"Oh, you’re a scorpio? That must be it then.”


"That’s where all your sexual energy is coming from. Scorpios are insatiable. I once dated a scorpio who was an animal in the bed. The kinkiest girl I’ve ever known. Are you anything like that?”

See how useful this can be?

The Power Of The Palm

However, my favorite still is and will always be the palm-reading. You get all the same conversations as the zodiac, plus sustained positive physical contact. Not to mention you can CHALLENGE her to fulfill what you see in her hand.

Let me give an example of how I’ve used this, so you can see what I’m talking about.

Into Derek’s Life

I went to a diner with a lady one late night, and we were having an interesting conversation. She started talking about one of her friends and some of that girl’s foibles. I responded:

"Yeah, it’s interesting the way that happens. Just last week I was reading my female friend’s palm and…”

"You can read palms?”

"Yes.” (Remember the showcase skill – don’t boast, let it naturally come up.)

"Do me!”

"Well, I don’t know. I don’t do just anyone. I’ll need to get used to your energy and see if it’ll work.”

At that point I took her hand in mine and we continued talking for 10 minutes or so as I gently kneaded and massaged her hand. She was getting turned on just from that (remember the oxytocin response). Finally, I decided to give her a reading.

"Let’s see…oh wow. This is interesting.”

"What is it?”

"This says you have a very open, experimental personality. You aren’t scared of trying new or exciting things; in fact, you seek them out. Is that true?”

"Yes!” Now I’ve given her a picture of herself she’ll try to live up to, and a positive view of this way of acting. Much more likely she’ll be open later after I’ve said this.

Soon our waitress – a cutie herself – got curious and came over to see what we were doing. When she found out I was reading my date’s palm, the waitress said "Do me!”

I took her hand and immediately let go of it and drew back in shock. "My god!”

"What?” Both girls asked this simultaneously, actually.

"You don’t want to know.”

"C’mon, tell me.”

"Nope. There are some things it’s better not to know.”

The waitress wound up being even more intrigued by the palm-reading than my date – to the point where she was becoming annoying and getting in the way. So I just reset the date in a new location – my apartment, as it happens.

All Sorts Of Positives, No Negatives… and No Sweat

The waitress still digs me though, my date is impressed with the fact that I can be that attractive (not to mention she’s oxytocin ODing), and I’ve given her a playful fun and SEXY template to live up to.

Oh, and reading palms? I have no idea how. I made it all up.

Ok, not everything – I know a few basics – but you don’t need to be an expert. Learn a few lines here and there, and you can easily ad-lib the rest. Just make it interesting and playful (and keep that contact time high), and you’ll do incredibly well with this one simple skill and your social value will skyrocket.

If you want to learn more about how to easily and effortlessly apply the art palm reading to your seductions, then you’ll want to check out my ebook Palm Reading For Seduction. In it you will learn all my tricks and techniques that will make women chase you without you knowing everything there is to know about reading palms.


Derek Vitalio

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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