Here is your next tip to build greater self-confidence.
Tip #2: Your next goal today is to be more at peace, happy
and relaxed during your daily activities. Apply this
techniques and you will avoid stress, frustration and maybe
depression in your life.
This is about setting goals and making plans.
You need to set a lot of goals: some for the day, some for
the week, for the months and the year to come.
In 5 years, where would you be, who would you become? What
would be your ideal life? What would be the relationships
with your family, your friends? What kind of work would you
do? What kind of income would you earn? Would you be
healthy? Wealthy? How healthy? How wealthy?
For that, take about an hour every weekend and plan
carefully you week in advance. Plan specifically and
precisely: “What would I do Monday at 8 in the morning, and
at 10 etc…”
This will give you assurance, satisfaction and happiness
because you know exactly how your week will end up. Of
course, there are impromptus, but by doing this you prepare,
and by preparing, you do not fear.
An ancient scripture says. “If ye are prepared, ye shall not
If you prepare a meeting, you won’t be stressed but
confident, full of assurance, because you’ve done your work.
The same for your personal life, right?
Word-For-Word Lines For
Getting Girls
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.