Approaching woman

This article is from a mini course Joseph Mathews has sent out via newsletter. It has a couple of openers in it and some good ideas about the importance of openers. Joseph is author of the great book “The Art of Approaching


If you’re going to meet a woman, you have to know how to start a conversation with her. There’s just no way around it. You must engage her in some manner, and the easiest (and most accepted) way is to talk to her.

But this is where most men choke.

Have you ever been in a situation where you saw a really beautiful woman that you wanted to meet, and then suddenly your brain took a vacation and you simply COULD NOT THINK OF A SINGLE THING TO SAY???

And then, before you know it, the moment has passed, the opportunity is gone, and the woman you wanted to meet is now gone forever!

Or worse yet…

You ARE able to think of something to say to her, but the conversation quickly fizzles out and the girl moves on, leaving you feeling like you’ve blown your chance!

Hey, we’ve all been there before.

Here’s a FACT for you to chew on…

Being able to quickly engage a woman in a conversation DRAMATICALLY increases your ability to get them on a date!

See, when you have a conversation with another person, you’re not just simply TALKING to them. What you’re doing is creating rapport and comfort with that person, which are the necessary building blocks of HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS.

Without rapport and comfort, there is no way you can get a girl to give you a serious commitment to see you again.


End of story.

Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

Now, I know that there are some guys out there who would rather take a swift kick to the teeth than talk to a girl. But that’s because they simply don’t know what to say to a woman to get a conversation started with them!

In my book, The Art Of Approaching, I take a great deal of time sharing tons and tons of tactics on how to quickly and easily meet any woman you want, and how to get them into instant conversations to create that all-important comfort and rapport that will get you that date you want!

No other book will go as in-depth into the art of meeting women as mine does. When you get my book, you’ll learn all about the concept of the “Opener.”

The Opener is a line you can use to start a conversation with a woman that has the ability to lead into a larger conversation and more interaction with her. It’s the catalyst of every interaction you’ll have with a girl.

Usually, I recommend you have 3 openers memorized and ready to go, so that once one runs its course, you have two more ready to go to carry on that conversation.

A good Opener can be anything that’s relatively open-ended, and can be transformed into different conversations.

Here’s one you can try out for yourself:

“Hi, this’ll only take a second — I need a female opinion on something. My little niece (or cousin, or sister, or daughter) has a birthday coming up, and she’s at that age where she’s really into stuffed animals, and I’m wondering… do you think a little girl would like a stuffed tiger or a stuffed unicorn better?”

Now, after saying this, she may ask you questions about your niece, like how old she is and what she likes. Tell her that she’s young (like 10-12) and that she has so many stuffed animals already, but you know she doesn’t have a unicorn or a tiger.

When the woman you’re talking to answers, ask her why she thinks that’s the way to go. So for instance:

HER: Get her the tiger. Totally.
YOU: The tiger? Why do you think the tiger is the way to go?
HER: Tigers are cool! They’re like big cuddly cats.

From there, you can talk about any number of things. Her childhood, what stuffed animals she liked crowing up, her love of cats, the toys you used to play with when you were young, etc.

Just find SOMETHING the woman says to latch onto and use that to relate to her. Start talking about that one topic until the conversation starts to flow. And if one conversation runs its course, you can stack another opener to start a new conversation.

For instance, a good follow-up to this opener is:

“So, do you like kids?”

After she answers, ask her why is it she feels that way. Then talk about your views on kids (tip: Always agree with her point of view! At least initially).

Eventually, the conversation will be flowing, and before you know it, it’s time to ask for her number and set up a date!

Seriously, go out and try the Openers I’ve given you for yourself and see what results you’ll get. I guarantee you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the reactions you get.

Word-For-Word Lines For
Getting Girls

In this FREE Manuscript:

Exactly What To Say To Make Her Want You

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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