Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Neil Strauss’s “The Game”

Neil Strauss’s now classic book, The Game:  Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists expose an entire community of pickup artists, who are masters at meeting, attracting, and seducing women.

Neil Strauss, AKA Style, wrote the book detailing his adventures going from an AFC (average frustrated chump) to a PUA (pickup artist.)

In the book, Style, gives insights into some of his favorite ways of picking up women:

  • How to use pickup artist openers to start conversations
  • How to use pickup artist routines to keep a conversation going and grow attraction
  • How to use the dual induction massage to get a threesome
  • How to “peacock” to attract women with your unusual sense of fashion

Here is a compilation of some of Neil Strauss’s most famous routines from The Game:

  1. The Best Friend’s Test
  2. The Cube Routine
  3. C vs. U Shaped Smiles
  4. Dual Induction Massage
  5. Pua Openers

The Game, Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists also chronicles the lives of some of the most famous pickup artist in the world.  Some of the other famous pickup artist that Neil Strauss writes about in his book include:

  • Mystery (Venusian Arts)
  • Ross Jeffries (Speed Seduction)
  • Juggler (Charisma Arts)
  • Tyler Durden (Real Social Dynamics)
  • Papa (Real Social Dynamics)
  • David DeAngelo (Double Your Dating)

Project Hollywood

Project Hollywood was a house that Neil Strauss shared with Mystery, Tyler Durden, Papa, Extramask, Playboy, Papa, Sickboy, and a few other pickup artists.  They used the mansion in Hollywood to teach pickup artist seminars, seduce women, study the game,  and fight internally.

For a brief period, Courtney Love of the band Hole, also lived in Project Hollywood with all of the pickup artists.

Some additional resources on Project Hollywood:

Neil Strauss’s Transformation into a Pickup Artist

The Game, Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists spends much the beginning of the book talking about Neil Strauss journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to PUA (pickup artist.)

Neil Strauss, a reporter for the New York Times, and author of biographies on bands like Motley Crue, Jenna Jamison, Marlyn Manson… went undercover to penetrate the secret society of pickup artists for an article… but once involved, Neil Strauss was immediately sucked into the lifestyle of meeting, attracting, and seducing women.

Here is a brief chronicle of Neil Strauss’s journey from AFC to PUA

  1. Neil Strauss decides to write article about underground seduction community
  2. Neil Strauss attends seduction bootcamp hosted by Mystery
  3. Mystery recommends he get a tan, shave his head, and lose weight.
  4. Strauss learns some pua openers to begin conversations with women
  5. Strauss learn some good pua routines to keep a conversation going
  6. He begins posting regularly on seduction forums across the internet
  7. He changes his wardrobe and begin “peacocking”
  8. He gets over his approach anxiety and starts opening tons of women
  9. He moves in Project Hollywood and begins teaching PUA bootcamps with Mystery
  10. He meets Hole Guitarist, Lisa, and begin dating her
  11. He gets Oneitis
  12. He gets back with Lisa, and decides that it’s time to leave the game

Since Neil Strauss’s game relied heavily on peacocking, magic tricks, pua routines, and various props, he carried around a “prop bag” containing the items that would help him infield, meeting, attracting, and seducing various HB10’s.

Since you may be interested in using a similar style as Neil, I’ve included a list of all of the items that PUA Style carries in his prop bag.

Items in Neil Strauss’s Prop Bag:

  • 1 Pack of Gum, Wrigley Big Red
  • 1 Pack of Condoms, Trojan Lubricated
  • 1 Pencil, 1 Pen
  • 1 Piece of Dryer Link
  • 1 Envelope of Preselected Photos
  • 1 Digital Camera
  • 1 Box of Tic Tacs
  • Lip Balm, Coverup, Eyeliner
  • Cheat Sheet, Three Pua Routines
  • 1 Notebook
  • 1 Kryptolight Necklace
  • 2 Sets of Fake Ear and Lip Piercings
  • 1 Small Digital Recorder
  • 2 Spare Cheap Necklaces, 2 Spare Thumb Rings
  • Various PUA Magic Tricks

The Game, Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists introduces us to a lot of new pickup artist terms and lingo.

This new language was created as a way to express the mindsets, techniques, and concepts that are taught by various pickup artists at their pua boot camps around the world.

PUA Lingo From The Game

I’ve included a list below of common acronyms and lingo invented by the PUAs.

  • AMOG  (Alpha Male of Group)
  • ASD (Anti Slut Defense)
  • AA (Approach Anxiety)
  • AFC (Average Frustrate Chump)
  • BS (Bitch Shield)
  • C&F (Cocky Funny)
  • DHV (Demonstrate Higher Value)
  • FTC (False Time Constraint)
  • F Close (F#ck close)
  • IOI (indicators of interest)
  • LBJF (Let’s just be friends)
  • LTR (Long Term Relationship)
  • SNL (Same Nigh Lay)

Those are just some the acronyms you might want to learn if you are interested in penetrating the secret society of pickup artists.

Further Resources

A collection of Neil Strauss Articles

PUA Openers

PUA Routines

The book, The Game is filled with a lot of great information to begin your journey towards becoming a master pickup artist.  But it is only the first step.

If you truly want to be penetrating the secret society of pickup artists you will have to make learning pick up a lifelong process.

To make it easier for you, we put together a completely FREE 31 Days to Better Game program where you’ll receive a new lesson teaching you another element of game every single day.  These lessons have been written by some of the greatest pickup artists in the world.    You can take the 31 Days to Better Game Challenge by signing up, completely free here.

If you follow this plan out for 31 days, and then stay focused over the next six months, regularly go out and practice, and use all of the material, routines, and openers you learned in The Game, it won’t be long before you’re penetrating the secret society of pickup artists.

Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Neil Strauss’s “The Game”

Neil Strauss’s now classic book, The Game:  Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists expose an entire community of pickup artists, who are masters at meeting, attracting, and seducing women.

Neil Strauss, AKA Style, wrote the book detailing his adventures going from an AFC (average frustrated chump) to a PUA (pickup artist.)

In the book, Style, gives insights into some of his favorite ways of picking up women:

  • How to use pickup artist openers to start conversations
  • How to use pickup artist routines to keep a conversation going and grow attraction
  • How to use the dual induction massage to get a threesome
  • How to “peacock” to attract women with your unusual sense of fashion

Here is a compilation of some of Neil Strauss’s most famous routines from The Game:

  1. The Best Friend’s Test
  2. The Cube Routine
  3. C vs. U Shaped Smiles
  4. Dual Induction Massage
  5. Pua Openers

The Game, Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists also chronicles the lives of some of the most famous pickup artist in the world.  Some of the other famous pickup artist that Neil Strauss writes about in his book include:

  • Mystery (Venusian Arts)
  • Ross Jeffries (Speed Seduction)
  • Juggler (Charisma Arts)
  • Tyler Durden (Real Social Dynamics)
  • Papa (Real Social Dynamics)
  • David DeAngelo (Double Your Dating)

Project Hollywood

Project Hollywood was a house that Neil Strauss shared with Mystery, Tyler Durden, Papa, Extramask, Playboy, Papa, Sickboy, and a few other pickup artists.  They used the mansion in Hollywood to teach pickup artist seminars, seduce women, study the game,  and fight internally.

For a brief period, Courtney Love of the band Hole, also lived in Project Hollywood with all of the pickup artists.

Some additional resources on Project Hollywood:

Neil Strauss’s Transformation into a Pickup Artist

The Game, Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists spends much the beginning of the book talking about Neil Strauss journey from AFC (average frustrated chump) to PUA (pickup artist.)

Neil Strauss, a reporter for the New York Times, and author of biographies on bands like Motley Crue, Jenna Jamison, Marlyn Manson… went undercover to penetrate the secret society of pickup artists for an article… but once involved, Neil Strauss was immediately sucked into the lifestyle of meeting, attracting, and seducing women.

Here is a brief chronicle of Neil Strauss’s journey from AFC to PUA

  1. Neil Strauss decides to write article about underground seduction community
  2. Neil Strauss attends seduction bootcamp hosted by Mystery
  3. Mystery recommends he get a tan, shave his head, and lose weight.
  4. Strauss learns some pua openers to begin conversations with women
  5. Strauss learn some good pua routines to keep a conversation going
  6. He begins posting regularly on seduction forums across the internet
  7. He changes his wardrobe and begin “peacocking”
  8. He gets over his approach anxiety and starts opening tons of women
  9. He moves in Project Hollywood and begins teaching PUA bootcamps with Mystery
  10. He meets Hole Guitarist, Lisa, and begin dating her
  11. He gets Oneitis
  12. He gets back with Lisa, and decides that it’s time to leave the game

Since Neil Strauss’s game relied heavily on peacocking, magic tricks, pua routines, and various props, he carried around a “prop bag” containing the items that would help him infield, meeting, attracting, and seducing various HB10’s.

Since you may be interested in using a similar style as Neil, I’ve included a list of all of the items that PUA Style carries in his prop bag.

Items in Neil Strauss’s Prop Bag:

  • 1 Pack of Gum, Wrigley Big Red
  • 1 Pack of Condoms, Trojan Lubricated
  • 1 Pencil, 1 Pen
  • 1 Piece of Dryer Link
  • 1 Envelope of Preselected Photos
  • 1 Digital Camera
  • 1 Box of Tic Tacs
  • Lip Balm, Coverup, Eyeliner
  • Cheat Sheet, Three Pua Routines
  • 1 Notebook
  • 1 Kryptolight Necklace
  • 2 Sets of Fake Ear and Lip Piercings
  • 1 Small Digital Recorder
  • 2 Spare Cheap Necklaces, 2 Spare Thumb Rings
  • Various PUA Magic Tricks

The Game, Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists introduces us to a lot of new pickup artist terms and lingo.

This new language was created as a way to express the mindsets, techniques, and concepts that are taught by various pickup artists at their pua boot camps around the world.

PUA Lingo From The Game

I’ve included a list below of common acronyms and lingo invented by the PUAs.

  • AMOG  (Alpha Male of Group)
  • ASD (Anti Slut Defense)
  • AA (Approach Anxiety)
  • AFC (Average Frustrate Chump)
  • BS (Bitch Shield)
  • C&F (Cocky Funny)
  • DHV (Demonstrate Higher Value)
  • FTC (False Time Constraint)
  • F Close (F#ck close)
  • IOI (indicators of interest)
  • LBJF (Let’s just be friends)
  • LTR (Long Term Relationship)
  • SNL (Same Nigh Lay)

Those are just some the acronyms you might want to learn if you are interested in penetrating the secret society of pickup artists.

Further Resources

A collection of Neil Strauss Articles

PUA Openers

PUA Routines

The book, The Game is filled with a lot of great information to begin your journey towards becoming a master pickup artist.  But it is only the first step.

If you truly want to be penetrating the secret society of pickup artists you will have to make learning pick up a lifelong process.

To make it easier for you, we put together a completely FREE 31 Days to Better Game program where you’ll receive a new lesson teaching you another element of game every single day.  These lessons have been written by some of the greatest pickup artists in the world.    You can take the 31 Days to Better Game Challenge by signing up, completely free here.

If you follow this plan out for 31 days, and then stay focused over the next six months, regularly go out and practice, and use all of the material, routines, and openers you learned in The Game, it won’t be long before you’re penetrating the secret society of pickup artists.

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