How to Pick Up Women

How to Pick Up and Seduce Women

Every year, men engage in a variety of activities to assert their masculinity. They can range from hunting and fishing to imbibing in booze and sports, and finally, the biological favorite, picking up women.

They head out to bars in similar looking outfits, packing them out, all in the pursuit of a hot date or action that night, and typically go home empty-handed. It?s a sad sight to see and something that bar owners across the country are counting on. They?re counting on you to buy drinks for girls, to come to the bar with your friends for girls, and put money in their pocket all in the pursuit of lush nightlife.

But you?re going to be smarter than that. You?re actually going to learn and internalize the real ways people can go out and scoop up the kind of woman they?d want to date or do other things with. You?re going to learn how to pick up women.

Manage your appearance.

This isn?t rocket science. If you?re meeting strangers, your first impression is going to count for a lot. So if you approach someone with buck teeth and a cape, chances are they?re going to think you?re either a crazy person or a maligned count. Don?t fall into the trap that a lot of PUA?s fall into, either, and get the most masculine fashion choices (read: douchey), that you can find ? if you?re looking to dress better, get the opinion of a good woman, and go from there. DO NOT do what you see other people who claim to be master pick-up artists doing. Usually their clothes screen out the women who?d be interested in men who aren?t affliction-wearing dudes with giant fuzzy hats and mesh vests. This is common sense, but frequently ignored. Men usually dress like other men trying to get laid. That is a giant mistake.? I also recommend checking out TSB Magazine’s Fashion Advice section for dressing better.

Be bold.

The one thing that successful pick-up artists have, if you?ve read ?The Game?, is borderline sociopathic self-confidence. They don?t care how other people view them, they just care about furthering their own means. This can be a good or a terrible thing, depending on how you look at it, but for your own purposes, stop being paralyzed by how other people view your actions. If you think that going up to strangers and initiating conversations is a creepy thing, it is only because you?ve never done it before. It?s completely natural, and what people in all social situations do. If you?ve never had the opportunity to schedule a date because you don?t have the gumption to do it, fix that. Fortune favors the bold, and so do the ladies. Even admitting that you need help in the dating frontier is a bold move, indicative that you have the sort of self-awareness that you?ll need to carry you forward.? I also recommend browsing through TSB Magazine’s Inner Game and Self Confidence articles.

Always be providing justifications/gaming.

Whenever you meet someone and you?re doing something gamey, if things don?t register right with them, they?ll let you know. There?s an easy way to avoid any hang-ups or red flags, though. Providing a justification to something that somebody finds questionable is a quick and easy way to turn off their brain. That?s really what you want to do in the first few minutes of meeting somebody, is to turn off the mechanisms that makes them freeze up and be poor at communicating or following compliance ladders. So, justify. Is something might sound weird in her head later, justify it. If you want to be forcing the way someone thinks into the little window of opportunity you want to take advantage of, seed the things you want them to do or the way you want them to behave for later. Always be on the move forward. Always. It’s how you truly learn how to pick up women.

Approach all types.

We?re banking on the fact that you?re pushing yourself to approach attractive females. If you?re not doing that, you?re violating one of the fundamental tenets of gaming ? to always be approaching attractive females. Anything less isn?t worthy of your time. But beyond that, approach all types of girls that you see, especially if they catch your eye. If you look twice, go up and talk to her. Approach mixed sets. Talk to everyone. The people who are best at getting girls are the people who are indiscriminately social, now how to press for a goal, and don?t care what other people think. Kill your ego. Kill the fear that you might fail and go out, approach, and pick up women.? I also recommend reading this article on approaching girls.

Incorporate picking up women into your lifestyle.

A lot of rational people who have experimented with it think that the nightlife scene in whatever city you happen to be in is terrible. So they meet people through their social circle. By engineering your life to draw in new groups of people, you?ll always be meeting new women. It?s like a television show ? they constantly make television shows about situations where more people and stories are drawn in ? so if you work in a place that draws in groups of people, or you make it into a habit to meet new ones, you?ll be succeeding in no time.

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How to Attract a Woman

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How to Pick Up Women

How to Pick Up and Seduce Women

Every year, men engage in a variety of activities to assert their masculinity. They can range from hunting and fishing to imbibing in booze and sports, and finally, the biological favorite, picking up women.

They head out to bars in similar looking outfits, packing them out, all in the pursuit of a hot date or action that night, and typically go home empty-handed. It?s a sad sight to see and something that bar owners across the country are counting on. They?re counting on you to buy drinks for girls, to come to the bar with your friends for girls, and put money in their pocket all in the pursuit of lush nightlife.

But you?re going to be smarter than that. You?re actually going to learn and internalize the real ways people can go out and scoop up the kind of woman they?d want to date or do other things with. You?re going to learn how to pick up women.

Manage your appearance.

This isn?t rocket science. If you?re meeting strangers, your first impression is going to count for a lot. So if you approach someone with buck teeth and a cape, chances are they?re going to think you?re either a crazy person or a maligned count. Don?t fall into the trap that a lot of PUA?s fall into, either, and get the most masculine fashion choices (read: douchey), that you can find ? if you?re looking to dress better, get the opinion of a good woman, and go from there. DO NOT do what you see other people who claim to be master pick-up artists doing. Usually their clothes screen out the women who?d be interested in men who aren?t affliction-wearing dudes with giant fuzzy hats and mesh vests. This is common sense, but frequently ignored. Men usually dress like other men trying to get laid. That is a giant mistake.? I also recommend checking out TSB Magazine’s Fashion Advice section for dressing better.

Be bold.

The one thing that successful pick-up artists have, if you?ve read ?The Game?, is borderline sociopathic self-confidence. They don?t care how other people view them, they just care about furthering their own means. This can be a good or a terrible thing, depending on how you look at it, but for your own purposes, stop being paralyzed by how other people view your actions. If you think that going up to strangers and initiating conversations is a creepy thing, it is only because you?ve never done it before. It?s completely natural, and what people in all social situations do. If you?ve never had the opportunity to schedule a date because you don?t have the gumption to do it, fix that. Fortune favors the bold, and so do the ladies. Even admitting that you need help in the dating frontier is a bold move, indicative that you have the sort of self-awareness that you?ll need to carry you forward.? I also recommend browsing through TSB Magazine’s Inner Game and Self Confidence articles.

Always be providing justifications/gaming.

Whenever you meet someone and you?re doing something gamey, if things don?t register right with them, they?ll let you know. There?s an easy way to avoid any hang-ups or red flags, though. Providing a justification to something that somebody finds questionable is a quick and easy way to turn off their brain. That?s really what you want to do in the first few minutes of meeting somebody, is to turn off the mechanisms that makes them freeze up and be poor at communicating or following compliance ladders. So, justify. Is something might sound weird in her head later, justify it. If you want to be forcing the way someone thinks into the little window of opportunity you want to take advantage of, seed the things you want them to do or the way you want them to behave for later. Always be on the move forward. Always. It’s how you truly learn how to pick up women.

Approach all types.

We?re banking on the fact that you?re pushing yourself to approach attractive females. If you?re not doing that, you?re violating one of the fundamental tenets of gaming ? to always be approaching attractive females. Anything less isn?t worthy of your time. But beyond that, approach all types of girls that you see, especially if they catch your eye. If you look twice, go up and talk to her. Approach mixed sets. Talk to everyone. The people who are best at getting girls are the people who are indiscriminately social, now how to press for a goal, and don?t care what other people think. Kill your ego. Kill the fear that you might fail and go out, approach, and pick up women.? I also recommend reading this article on approaching girls.

Incorporate picking up women into your lifestyle.

A lot of rational people who have experimented with it think that the nightlife scene in whatever city you happen to be in is terrible. So they meet people through their social circle. By engineering your life to draw in new groups of people, you?ll always be meeting new women. It?s like a television show ? they constantly make television shows about situations where more people and stories are drawn in ? so if you work in a place that draws in groups of people, or you make it into a habit to meet new ones, you?ll be succeeding in no time.

More Articles on Picking Up Women

What to Say to Girls

Where to Meet Women

How to Attract a Woman

How to Tell if a Girl Likes You

How to Be Funny

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