How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back (In 3 Steps)


By: Bobby Rio

A Full-Proof Strategy on How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

In this article I want to talk about some secrets I learned about how to get your ex girlfriend back.

And trust me, everything I know about how to get your ex girlfriend back comes from experience? a lot of it the hard way.

I was three weeks away from moving in with Beth when she ended it?.

Actually, it took her MONTHS to officially end it.? It started out as a break.? But that break seemed to linger on? leaving me in a state of complete limbo.

Major Mistakes That Prevent Your Ex From Coming Back

I made all of the classic mistakes:

  • I bought her flowers with a nice card
  • I declared my love and begged and pleaded I would change
  • I called and texted her constantly
  • I basically put my life on hold while she figured things out

If you?re reading this and have already tried the above methods? you probably already realized how ineffective they are.

But you might not have realized that they can actually hurt you when trying to get your ex girlfriend back.
Yep.? They can actually your push your girlfriend further away (and into the arms of another man).

Yes.? I learned that from experience too.

After two months in purgatory? Beth called to warn me that I might be getting some news from my friends? Apparently she was out with a new guy she was dating, and she ran into some of my friends.

At the moment I should have known it was officially over? yet I hung on for dear life.? I cried.? I made crazy promises.? I got down on my knees and begged.

Basically, I transformed right in front of her from a cool guy to a prideless loser?

Here?s the question you have to ask yourself:

Would she have been attracted to this guy when she first met him? (meaning the current you)

And the answer is usually NO.

The current you has usually become needy, jealous, broken, unmotivated, and completely obsessed with HER.

The current you would have scared her away.

And that?s EXACTLY what you?re doing now.

So take a cold hard look in the mirror.? And slap your face a couple times.

#1 Rule on Why Girls Fall in Love (And How to An Ex Girlfriend?Obsessed with You)

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?What You’re Currently doing will not Get your girlfriend back

If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back you?ve got to be willing to admit that what you?re doing right now is NOT working.

It?s time to take a TIME OUT.

This means temporarily;

  • Cease all communication with your ex
  • Stay away from all her friends or anyone she knows
  • Block her from viewing your Facebook (especially if your posting depressing status updates)

Your number one priority at this point is to become the guy she was initially attracted to.? Only BETTER.

I usually recommend getting a fresh start.

Here?s a list of some things that will help you get the confidence you need to get your girlfriend back.

1. Some new clothes

2.? An expensive haircut

3.? A trip to the gym,

4. Possibly a tan.

5.? Clean your place and your car.

No.? These things are NOT to impress her.

They are to get YOUR confidence back.

I know when I broke up with Beth I lost about 10 pounds from lack of eating and throwing up?? I became pale from lack of sunlight, and I often went weeks without brushing my hair.

Getting your ex girlfriend back requires you to become the type of guy that she would be attracted to.

And sometimes that requires developing some skills with women that you might have let slip over the years.

Maybe you need to remember how to flirt.

Maybe you completely forgot how to attract a woman.

Maybe you need a refresher on how to arouse a woman, or simply how to make a woman horny.

It?s amazing what we forget when we spend a lot of time in a comfortable relationship.

We stop doing the things that sparked attraction in the first place.

If you want to get your girlfriend back you need to do the subtle things that attracted her in the first place.

Like teasing her (yep, teasing in one of the best types of flirting)

How to Subtly Spark Sexual Attraction Again with an Ex

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?Steps to Get Your Girlfriend Back

So let?s break down the steps:

1. Cut off all contact with your ex girlfriend.

2.? Improve your physical appearance to build back your confidence

3.? Review some dating tips.

These are the first three steps that you should concentrate on right now if you want to get your girlfriend back before it is to late.

And it will become TOO LATE.

At some point your girlfriend will meet another guy who is flirting with her, teasing her, turning her on and arousing her the way you used to.

And at that point she will look at you? an only remember the last few months your relationship (all the bad times, you begging and pleading her back) and the other guy will win hands down.

There are several emotions you will need to arouse if you want to get your girlfriend back.

Here are a few of them.

Jealousy? ( she has to feel like she could lose you to someone else)

Nostalgia ( she must turn her attention from the bad times to the good times you’ve had together)

Sexual feelings? (she must crave you in a sexual way.? This is especially important if your sex life had been headed down hill)

If you’re able to achieve all of those emotions she won’t be able to help herself from going back to you.

And that is how you get your ex back.

#1 Way to Get Your Ex Obsessed with You

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How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back (In 3 Steps)


By: Bobby Rio

A Full-Proof Strategy on How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

In this article I want to talk about some secrets I learned about how to get your ex girlfriend back.

And trust me, everything I know about how to get your ex girlfriend back comes from experience? a lot of it the hard way.

I was three weeks away from moving in with Beth when she ended it?.

Actually, it took her MONTHS to officially end it.? It started out as a break.? But that break seemed to linger on? leaving me in a state of complete limbo.

Major Mistakes That Prevent Your Ex From Coming Back

I made all of the classic mistakes:

  • I bought her flowers with a nice card
  • I declared my love and begged and pleaded I would change
  • I called and texted her constantly
  • I basically put my life on hold while she figured things out

If you?re reading this and have already tried the above methods? you probably already realized how ineffective they are.

But you might not have realized that they can actually hurt you when trying to get your ex girlfriend back.
Yep.? They can actually your push your girlfriend further away (and into the arms of another man).

Yes.? I learned that from experience too.

After two months in purgatory? Beth called to warn me that I might be getting some news from my friends? Apparently she was out with a new guy she was dating, and she ran into some of my friends.

At the moment I should have known it was officially over? yet I hung on for dear life.? I cried.? I made crazy promises.? I got down on my knees and begged.

Basically, I transformed right in front of her from a cool guy to a prideless loser?

Here?s the question you have to ask yourself:

Would she have been attracted to this guy when she first met him? (meaning the current you)

And the answer is usually NO.

The current you has usually become needy, jealous, broken, unmotivated, and completely obsessed with HER.

The current you would have scared her away.

And that?s EXACTLY what you?re doing now.

So take a cold hard look in the mirror.? And slap your face a couple times.

#1 Rule on Why Girls Fall in Love (And How to An Ex Girlfriend?Obsessed with You)

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?What You’re Currently doing will not Get your girlfriend back

If you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back you?ve got to be willing to admit that what you?re doing right now is NOT working.

It?s time to take a TIME OUT.

This means temporarily;

  • Cease all communication with your ex
  • Stay away from all her friends or anyone she knows
  • Block her from viewing your Facebook (especially if your posting depressing status updates)

Your number one priority at this point is to become the guy she was initially attracted to.? Only BETTER.

I usually recommend getting a fresh start.

Here?s a list of some things that will help you get the confidence you need to get your girlfriend back.

1. Some new clothes

2.? An expensive haircut

3.? A trip to the gym,

4. Possibly a tan.

5.? Clean your place and your car.

No.? These things are NOT to impress her.

They are to get YOUR confidence back.

I know when I broke up with Beth I lost about 10 pounds from lack of eating and throwing up?? I became pale from lack of sunlight, and I often went weeks without brushing my hair.

Getting your ex girlfriend back requires you to become the type of guy that she would be attracted to.

And sometimes that requires developing some skills with women that you might have let slip over the years.

Maybe you need to remember how to flirt.

Maybe you completely forgot how to attract a woman.

Maybe you need a refresher on how to arouse a woman, or simply how to make a woman horny.

It?s amazing what we forget when we spend a lot of time in a comfortable relationship.

We stop doing the things that sparked attraction in the first place.

If you want to get your girlfriend back you need to do the subtle things that attracted her in the first place.

Like teasing her (yep, teasing in one of the best types of flirting)

How to Subtly Spark Sexual Attraction Again with an Ex

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?Steps to Get Your Girlfriend Back

So let?s break down the steps:

1. Cut off all contact with your ex girlfriend.

2.? Improve your physical appearance to build back your confidence

3.? Review some dating tips.

These are the first three steps that you should concentrate on right now if you want to get your girlfriend back before it is to late.

And it will become TOO LATE.

At some point your girlfriend will meet another guy who is flirting with her, teasing her, turning her on and arousing her the way you used to.

And at that point she will look at you? an only remember the last few months your relationship (all the bad times, you begging and pleading her back) and the other guy will win hands down.

There are several emotions you will need to arouse if you want to get your girlfriend back.

Here are a few of them.

Jealousy? ( she has to feel like she could lose you to someone else)

Nostalgia ( she must turn her attention from the bad times to the good times you’ve had together)

Sexual feelings? (she must crave you in a sexual way.? This is especially important if your sex life had been headed down hill)

If you’re able to achieve all of those emotions she won’t be able to help herself from going back to you.

And that is how you get your ex back.

#1 Way to Get Your Ex Obsessed with You

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