When She Doesn’t Want To Put Your Relationship on Facebook
The modern relationship is not real until it is ?Facebook official?. Once you have been together for a reasonable amount of time, it is a natural step to put up your relationship status. When your girlfriend is reluctant to do so, it is usually a huge warning sign for other problems.
The need to put your relationship online for all your friends to see may seem trivial. Facebook is not life, so you may think it is not a big deal that you haven?t updated your relationship status. The important people will already know before it hits their newsfeeds. If you have a happy relationship, it will not matter to you if all of your five hundred online friends know about it. However, it is a worry when one member of the relationship outright refuses to put up their relationship status. If you were out together and she ran into an old friend, you would be offended if she refused to introduce you as her boyfriend. It is no less offensive online. Her insisting that she does not want to put up her relationship on Facebook amounts to her publicly denying that she is with you. Sometimes there can be a good reason for this, but in the absence of one, you are more than justified in being concerned.
The number one reason why women do not put their boyfriends on their profiles is because they want to flirt with other guys. She does not want you getting in the way should she decide to cheat on you. Even if she is not flirting with other guys at the moment, it is possible that she wants to keep her options open. She wants to appear single, should someone better than you come along. You should ask her why she does not want to be Facebook official in order to find out if she has a legitimate reason for keeping private about her personal life. If she can?t come up with a reason, it is because she wants other men to think she is single.
Some women won?t put up their relationship status if they are afraid of their ex-boyfriend?s reaction. This excuse may be a perfectly reasonable one- she probably wants to avoid her ex contacting her, which he will no doubt find an excuse to do once he sees she has a new boyfriend. It is also possible that she doesn?t want her ex to know because she is secretly hoping to get back together with him.
You have cause for concern if your girlfriend is an avid user of social networking, but wants to appear single on her profile. However, if she barely uses Facebook and is generally cagey about posting, it is not a big deal if she does not want to put up her relationship. Her being too shy to become Facebook official is an entirely different matter to her not wanting to be Facebook official for other reasons.
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About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at: http://mensstyleandfashion.com/