Top Five Movies of Drew Barrymore
When you start acting at the age of seven and do it prolifically throughout your years I think its fair to say you?ve been around forever. Drew Barrymore, you?ve been around forever. Between 1982 and 2012 there are only three years on Drew?s IMDB acting page without a credit: 1983 (she was 8), 1988 (13) and 1990 (15). Heck, 1992 has five credits and 1998 has four.
When you have this many credits, there?s many different ways to look at the movies involved. I could look at the different ages (her work when she wasn?t even ten includes number sixin the list of the highest grossing films ever), styles (romantic comedies, horror, animation) or even the size of the role (there are a couple small roles in darn good movies).
I just picked the movies that I liked best, and no surprise, most of the different ways to look at Drew?s career come up. Except the stuff when she was a kid as I?m not a fan of ?E.T.? and that leads me to the belief that with this list, I?m sure I?ll get the most disagreements. (Spoiler: besides ?E.T.? there?s no ?Donnie Darko,? no ?Whip It? and no ?Curious George.? I bet most of you were rooting for ?Curious George.?)
I think this may be the fourth best Adam Sandler movie (?Punch Drunk Love,? ?Billy Madison? and ?Happy Gilmore? are one through three in that order) and that?s saying something as there is a big, big drop off to number five. The scene of the repeated singing of ?Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? is enough to get me to watch it again.
Let?s just say I?m a sucker for Hugh Grant as a leading man and leave it at that. Ok, since you don?t want to leave it at that, I submit that I also liked ?Love Actually,? ?Notting Hill? and (shudder) ?Two Weeks Notice.? Now can we leave it be? Thanks.
I will not apologize for this one. Drew is sexy as one of Charlie?s Angels, and the addition of the lovely Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu as well as the droll Tim Curry and the nearly perfect Bill Murray, and it is an easy call for space number three.
The first part of this movie where Drew?s face is the only one you see is one of the best beginnings to a film ever. It set the tone wonderfully for all the rest of the movie that followed. If she hadn?t played the coy, flirty teenager so well, I doubt the movie would be remembered as fondly.
Again, I have to think this movie is as high as it is not just because I like Sam Rockwell as the lead or that I like the writing of Charlie Kaufmann, but because I?m currently reading ?The Catcher Was a Spy?. The story of Moe Berg and the story of Chuck Barris as secret agents makes both men much more interesting.
Agree? Disagree? Which movies would make your Drew Barrymore top five?
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About Jason McClain Jason is an aspiring novelist, which means there is a lot of time to put off writing and watch baseball or go fly-fishing, hiking and traveling. By "a lot of time", Jason means "procrastination."