What To Write About On Online Dating Profiles
One of the toughest things about online dating is knowing what exactly to write about in your profile. My clients are always telling me how hard it is to?pick the right subjects and that they just totally draw a blank when they are trying to brainstorm topics. The possibilities are endless, and it?s easy to pick a dud.
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Obviously you want to be writing about things that are going to help you attract women online, and avoid those things that will put them to sleep?or turn them off.
The best topics satisfy the following three requirements: They make you look good, they are fun to think about, and they lend themselves to discussion.
So in this article I?m going to share four of my favorite subjects which satisfy these three requirements and which women always respond well to. Incorporating?these topics effectively has helped many of my clients get vastly improved results.
Travel is a great subject for you dating profile for a few different reasons. First off is the fact that it is an inherently FUN topic. Most people enjoy?travel and wish that they could do it more, so it?s something that they consider one of the best parts of life and is something that they enjoy talking and?thinking about. It also makes you look good, because it shows that you are a person with cool interests and a fun and exciting lifestyle.
When a chick is?evaluating guys that she might want to date, it is super important that a guy?s lifestyle looks like something that she would want to be a part of. So when?you are describing your vacations do it in a descriptive way to make it easier for her to envision what it might be like for her to hang out with you and?share in these fun adventures.
Another great thing about this topic is that is gives her a lot of things that she can easily respond to. It?s important to provide details though. The more you give her, the easier it will be for her to find something that she can kind of latch onto and write back to you about. So for instance, just saying ?I went to Paris last spring? is weak. Instead you want to go into detail about things like walking the streets, drinking the wine, eating the fluffy croissants, and all that stuff, the more hooks you give the more likely you?ll get a response.
Your life up until this point is a series of memories. So when you talk about yourself it is much better to share some of these memories in a story form?rather than just making statements about yourself like, ?I am a fun guy.? Instead, SHOW her that you are a fun guy through stories that illustrate this.
The?great thing about sharing your stories is that chances are you will be talking about things that she experienced as well, so it is sort of a ?shared memory??even though you didn?t even know each other yet. For instance when I was a kid I had a favorite cookie, It was made by Pepperidge Farms and it was called the??Cappuccino.? I loved those cookies a lot, particularly because my parents would keep them on a high shelf I couldn?t reach and only let me eat two a day. Now?Pepperidge Farms actually discontinued this cookie like fifteen years ago or something like that, so a lot of people don’t even know about it. But every time?I mention it to somebody who does remember it?s like this automatic bond is formed and they love the fact that I reminded them of this awesome cookie.
This is an amazing thing to write about because ambition is one of the most attractive traits that a guy can have. As I?m sure that you know, quality Women?just don?t want to mess with a guy who is happy to sit in his parent?s basement playing Xbox for the rest of his life. And the great thing about ambition is?that it can make up for the fact that you aren?t yet all that successful because it?s like success potential. Women like a guy who has some fire in his belly?and wants to have an awesome life because they want to come along for the ride. It doesn?t matter that much that you work at McDonald’s now because you?ve?got a plan for your life that you are actively working towards making a reality. And what?s great is that writing about your ambitions doesn?t sound like?bragging were as writing about your current level of success does.
This isn?t something you need to write volumes on. A short sentence or two about things that you want to do in the future is all that it takes, to get a?woman to see you in a very good light.
Writing about what you are looking for in a woman is important because it shows that you have some understanding of women, and what it is that you are looking for. Many guys? profiles come across like they will just take anything that they can get and that is very unattractive. However it is really?important how you phase this section and the sort of attitude that you convey here. Most of the ?what I?m looking for in a girl? paragraphs that I read are?downright awful and will keep women from ever responding. The problem that I see guys making is that they write about what they want in a way that sounds?really immature and makes them look inexperienced and classless.
My hard and fast rule is never to mention your physical preferences. Yeah, yeah, I know that you love petite brunettes, but saying that in your profile makes?you look like a clueless bonehead. As I?m sure that you know many women have some sort of ?body-image issues? so talking about this kind of thing really?doesn?t help your cause. And seriously if you have very specific physical requirements why not just wait until women write to you and then only get back to?the ones you like? …Makes sense right?
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About Jake Vandenhoff Jake Vandenhoff is a dating coach and author specializing in self-development and online dating. He offers an array of programs to help guys succeed with women naturally, without relying on outdated PUA tactics. His Online Dating Playbook offers step-by-step instructions for meeting girls online, and connecting with them authentically. Visit www.jakevandenhoff.com to claim a free copy of Jake's Online Dating Secrets eCourse.