The Top Ten Modern Movies All Men Have to See Before They Die
5. Jurassic Park
We know Jurassic Park is unrealistic- but somehow we can get lost in the fantasy and believe that eccentric scientists can recreate dinosaurs, and dinosaurs can never be a bad thing. It’s also worth a watch for its use of computer generated imagery, which may look clunky now but was far beyond its time.
A bachelor party adventure involving marrying a stripper- The Hangover is a hilarious account of one of those situations you wish you were involved in. Live vicariously through the characters as they piece together their night before. As a bonus, upon watching The Hangover, you will suddenly understand all those funny quotes which seem to be popping up in Facebook groups.
The first Dirty Harry sees Clint Eastwood begin in his role as the one of the toughest, savviest, and more profitable characters ever in a film. Harry may be the good guy, but he’s still badder than we can only hope to be.
The content of gangster movies probably doesn’t bear much resemblance to your life- and this is exactly why you need to watch the Godfather series. It’s enthralling, subtle and involves guns; what more could you want!
Rocky, and its endless sequels, show us that the underdog can win with a bit of hard work and inspirational music. There’s hope for us all yet.
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About Natasha Abrahams Natasha Abrahams is a writer and journalism student from Melbourne, Australia. When she is not busy with being a principal writer on Weekendnotes or skipping lectures, she can be found emptying her wallet at the nearest shopping centre. You can read more from Natasha at: