Top Five Movies of Ellen Page
So, the movie ?Super? has come out in the vein of ?Kick-Ass? with the everyday Joe Schmo putting on a costume and pretending to be the hero. Yes, I am curious but it is mostly for the female stars of the movie, in particular Ellen Page in her superhero costume. Maybe it is just a geek fantasy, kind of like seeing a girl dressed as slave Leia.
Anyway, as I shake my head to get back on track, if the word ?pixie? to describe a beauty like Audrey Hepburn was overused, it?s almost criminally done so for Ellen. Then again, when we see small brunettes barely five feet tall, if that, that is the word that first comes to mind. (Not so much with red heads and blondes. I think those are leprechauns and nymphs respectively.) Since, like Audrey, she has a bit of comic timing and a bright smile, the description works, but I?m hoping with this new movie she?ll build on that and then maybe we can find a new adjective to describe her.
Ellen Page
Because I loved ?Kick-Ass? and because of Ellen and Liv Tyler, this movie slides in at number five in my list even though a friend described it as very violent, which is kind of what I would expect. Crime stories are seldom peaceful. Because I am a fan of the superhero genre, I think this movie definitely has the possibility to hold this position on Ellen?s list quite handily.
This is on the list almost just for the premise and the names. It?s about girl?s roller derby, and if you have ever seen a match, you know how fun that is. Add in ?Maggie Mayhem,? ?Smashley Simpson? and ?Bloody Holly? and you had me at mayhem.
See ?fan of superhero genre? and then realize that the X-Men are probably most people?s gateway into comics as the heroes are misunderstood teens, not because of acne and awkwardness, but because of super abilities. Though Ellen?s appearance is brief, this movie makes my list because Kitty Pryde was a favorite character because she could pass through solid objects, which is a great way to get around the line to a concert, ball game or club.
I like this movie a lot. If you happen to be one of the actresses in it, chances are, it will be in my top five lists. Add in ?The Adjustment Bureau? and ?Source Code? and within the last year, we?ve had some pretty cool movies about what happens in the brain and alternate realities.
Yeah, when you?re nominated for a Best Actress Oscar and it is a funny and charming movie, it?s pretty easy to figure out the number one movie on Ellen?s list.
Agree? Disagree? Which movies would make your Ellen Page top five?
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About Jason McClain Jason is an aspiring novelist, which means there is a lot of time to put off writing and watch baseball or go fly-fishing, hiking and traveling. By "a lot of time", Jason means "procrastination."