Building a Game-Changing Lifestyle
Being in the Moment
Many people are not living in the now. They dwell on the past and future, and when things pop up they don?t react in time or from a place of authenticity. Having a lifestyle that keeps you on your feet will allow you to be more present during your interactions with girlies.
Improv is a classic example of an activity where you have to be in the moment. The funniest lines are usually ones that come out without premeditation. Your partner then feeds off of that, and a routine is born from thin air. Stopping to process and think kills this creative flow.
As I mentioned above, boxing and martial arts can also help you be in the moment.
Girl Friends
Having chicks in your life is critical. You can bang ?em or not, but you should be surrounded by a lot of women. Friends who are girls will teach you about how they think, act and feel, and you will develop a better and healthier appreciation for women (as opposed to viewing them as ?targets? and ?HBs?). A lot of the smoke girls blow as a diversion around men goes away, and you can peek into their minds, unfiltered; this can include why they bang or date certain guys (what works and what doesn?t), why they behave how they do in clubs, and what makes them laugh.
You don?t need to have hot girls around you, just a lot of ?em. This will naturally seem attractive to other (hotter) women. Besides the concept of pre-selection, having chicks in your life is a normal thing, and not having them can appear odd. So always be looking out for girls you can add to your social circle, and spend a lot of time learning from them.
Personal Ecosystem and Energy Drainers
Perhaps you have clutter in your lives, and maybe this crap is using up a bunch of your energy. We call these things energy drainers, and may include a messy home or car, friends who bring you down, debt, a bad relationship with your parents, or excess weight.
When I spar, I sometimes use muscles I don?t need. I overwork, and therefore get tired faster. A key to lasting longer is to relax the parts of your body that you don?t have to call upon. The same holds for any activity in your life; if you expend too much energy unwisely in one area, you have less left over for others.
Run an inventory of all the items that might be draining your energy and polluting your personal ecosystem. Clean shit up. If you can?t tackle a chore all at once, small chunk it down and do a bit at a time. Get help from friends and family.
If you can resolve dysfunctional or draining relationships through assertiveness and open communication, then do so. If you can?t minimize the impact of these people, then try to eliminate them from your life.
Forms of Expression
Taking up activities which foster free expression will translate into you being more open in your interactions. There are many different options. If you want to express yourself verbally, you can take up Toastmasters, improv or acting. If you want to move people emotionally, you can work through painting, sculpting, even food. If you express yourself physically, there?s dance and music.
At the other extreme is being closed off and stifled, incapable of expressing yourself in any aspect of your life. Or you may only express yourself through one channel like singing, but can?t open up verbally. Seek a healthy balance, such that girls realize that you?re adept at several methods of expression, including verbal and sexual.
Stress Management
A lot of times our interactions fail because we?re thinking about other negative parts of our lives. Sometimes, we aren?t consciously paying attention to these things, but they are weighing our psyche down.
Learn to compartmentalize your life. Be present. That is, when you?re talking to a girl, you should only be focused on that girl. Money and work have zero relevance at that very moment, so force those thoughts away until it?s relevant to address them.
When these stressors seep into your exchanges subconsciously, you need to find a way to get them handled. Do research, ask others for advice, devise a course of action, pursue whatever needs to be done to move in the right direction. Even without fully resolving the stress, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel can help a great deal.
You can relieve some of your stress through art or physical activity. Freud talked about sublimating your sexual energy in the form of creativity, basically transferring that energy into something more socially acceptable. Hit the gym, take up yoga, enhance your creative side through writing and art.
Giving Value
A mindset that will get you far in the game (and in life in general) is one of always seeking to give value to others. Go out, make girls laugh and feel sexy, and expect nothing in return.
If you don’t have a lifestyle that promotes giving, find activities that will develop it. Donate time to charity. Serve food to the homeless on Thanksgiving. Volunteer at the hospital. Basically, humble yourself for the good of your fellow man. Put yourself into a charitable, giving spirit during the week, and this will help you score some tang.
About Dr. Evan Marlowe Evan Marlow is the dean and founder of Man School. You can visit at