Push-Pull – A Powerful Way To Trigger Attraction Inside Women
Just about every heterosexual male would love to attract more women. Alas, most men believe looks, money, and social status are the only ways to attract the women they desire. But there?s another way. One that doesn?t require any of these things. It?s called ?sexual tension.? If you know how to spark sexual tension, you can author your own sexual destiny. The problem is…
Only a fraction of fraction of the male population knows how to create sexual tension. That?s because they don?t recognize the underlying structure of how sexual tension is sparked and magnified. All sexual tension has what I call a ?Tension Loop? structure.
A Tension Loop is when you do something to create unresolved emotional tension inside a woman, increase it, release it by bringing closure to it, and then spark it all over again. Soap opera writers use Tension Loops to keep women enraptured in their fictitious dramas for months ? sometimes years!
The structure is always the same. The soap starts with some kind of conflict or drama, sparking unresolved emotional tension. Emotional tension increases up until the point of the climax. The tension, then, is released by bringing some resolution to the conflict or drama. And, finally, the show ends by sparking the tension all over again, compelling women to tune in for next week?s show.
Mastering the Tension Loop gives you the kind of power over women that, at first, might scare you. But if you?re thinking that this is what I wanted to share with you, you?re wrong. So keep reading…
In a minute, you?re going to learn a special type of Tension Loop I call ?Push-Pull.? What I?m about to reveal is Jedi mind shit. We?re talking Yoda power! And you don?t have to become Darth Vader to reap the benefits of Push-Pull.
Push-Pull is whenever you emotionally push a woman away from you … and then emotionally pull her back in. Each Push creates an emotional space for each Pull.
To get a sense of where I’m going with all this, think, for example, of your favorite junk food. Imagine going on a strict diet for several weeks that forbade you from eating your favorite food. What would it feel like to finally give in to your urge and indulge after weeks of dieting? I?m willing to bet it would taste a thousand times yummier after dieting than before.
Are you starting to see the potential power behind Push-Pull?
If YES, then you already know more about attraction than most guys. (Give yourself a pat on the back.) If you don?t get it, don?t worry ? you will in a few short minutes.
Many women are natural Push-Pull artists! Over the years I?ve heard dozens of stories from hapless men about women using Push-Pull to turn them into emotional yoyos. A nightmarish experience more than a few men have had to endure is this. They sleep with a girl and after sex she puts their ego on steroid by telling them, ?You?re the best lover I?ve ever had.? But, alas, things take a self-esteem crushing turn for the worse when she undermines her praise with: ?Actually, you?re the fourth best lover I?ve ever had.? These poor guys feel crushed and struggle to move up to the number three slot.
You can attract heaps of women using these psychological mechanisms without being a jerk!
The key is to make it playful and funny. Your intention never should be to hurt a woman. Instead, your goal is to tease her a bit. If you do this, women will see you as having the same charm and sex appeal that makes them want to hop in the sac with James Bond. Here?s an example of this I’ve used countless times…
At some point while interacting with a woman I might take her hand and praise, ?You have the most amazing smile I?ve seen tonight. It makes me feel so happy inside!? She?ll usually respond with, ?Thank you!? Then I?ll count the fingers on my other hand and say, ?You know what: actually there were four other girls with amazing smiles tonight as well. Out of them, you have the fourth best smile. I?m going to call you number four.? And then I?ll push away her hand.
More often than not, women demand, ?Nooo! I want to be number one!? I?ll usually retort with, ?Alright, I?ll promote you to number three for being feisty.? Do women find this derisive and mean? Not at all. (Note: occasionally, you will encounter a psychologically damaged woman who doesn?t think this is cute. She is the exception and not the rule. My advice: Run, Forrest, Run!) Most women find this funny, charming, and playful. More importantly, it sparks sexual tension.
Fact: Despite ladies? men making up only a tiny sliver of the male population, they get 90% of all the women. All ladies men use some form of Push-Pull. However, most of these ladies men have no conscious understanding of Push-Pull. The few who do are the most powerful of the Jedi.
In plain English, if you want to get really good at attracting women ? even the ones who find you physically repulsive ? you need to learn as much as you can about Push-Pull.
If you?d like to learn the in-and-outs of Push-Pull, check my eBook Real World Seduction 2.0. You?ll receive a PhD education on how to attract women and receive hundreds of seduction tips. Get your copy today by clicking here.
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About Josh Lubens Swinggcat, author of Real World Seduction, is a professional dating coach and pick up artist. He has created and popularized numerous attraction techniques, such as, Prizing, Push-Push, Meta-Frames and Sexual Frames. His system advocates sexually escalating with and gaining sexual compliance from women within the first few minutes of meeting them. Check out Real World Seduction.