PUA Summit Preview Interview with the Asian Playboy
Question 2: Do you have any good exercise or techniques for destroying “approach anxiety?”
First, it’s about having the right Attitude. I know it’s tough and you can’t just ask someone to simply “Inner Game That Shit” in order to make it go away. Rather, try to understand that women (according to leading anthropology and gender differences experts), due to evolution, are naturally better at picking up cues via your tonality, body language, and facial expressions.
So when a newbie goes in and gets blown out, it’s not because there’s anything inherently wrong or flawed with him and his personality. It’s his technical skillset in presenting Outer Confidence via subcommunication that needs fixing. That’s all technical issues that are easily fixable if you can find someone to help calibrate yourself. It takes a long time for someone to get to know another person and so when you’re blown out in 30 seconds or 5 minutes, she’s not rejecting YOU. She’s just rejecting your SKILLSET.
Secondly, here’s an easy infield exercise for the complete newbie. It’s not complicated and doesn’t use any fancy openers, it’s just a low investment opener that’s designed to lessen your Approach Anxiety and maybe even get you a little social proof. I call it the Kickstart and it’s a good way to, literally, kickstart your night.
Now, there’s something called “nonverbal social pressure” that all people have to conform to due to our shared cultural training and social contract. For example, when you put out your hand to a stranger, everybody in the WORLD knows you’re supposed to reciprocate and return the handshake. What’s another one?
That’s right, grab yourself a glass of water or your favorite brew and just kickstart your night by CHEERSING ten groups of people at the bar. Make eye contact, smile, raise your glass, and simply say “Cheers!”
Trust me, unless they’re a total social retard, they’ll unconsciously return the gesture and smile as well. Then simply introduce yourself, throw in an open thread, mention a wingman’s special event, leave an open invitation and eject. You can always reapproach (or “Boomerang”), later.
It’s that simple. The “Kickstart” is meant for the complete newbie or those guys who simply want to start the night off by being social. And sometimes what happens is that not only do you get in state, but women will see you being social, potentially have lots of friends, that she’ll be intrigued by this confident “life of the party” kind of guy and reintroduce herself to you.
Question 3: Is there any “one thing” you learned that really had a big impact on your success?
The biggest thing that really impacted is that, beyond being a talkative, social guy, you really need to learn how to be a SEDUCER.
One of the biggest illusions of the Seduction Community is that if you open a lot of sets, talk to a lot of girls, and get a lot of numbers, that means you’re a “Pick Up Artist.”
Nothing could be further from the truth.
That just means (if we were to use the ABCDEF structure), that you’re good at Phases A, B, and C. In other words, you’re a good talker. A good conversationalist. You entertain her.
Big whoop.
So do her other guy friends and other random douchebags who chat her up.
The actual seduction part is the D-E-F phases, especially D where it means to be Dominant and Direct. That’s where the rubber meets the road and the boys are separated from the men.
That’s what it means to actually start the SEDUCTION process by exuding a SEXUAL masculinity in not simply your attitude, but your words AND your body language. It doesn’t mean talking all day and all night long. That’s what she has girlfriends for.
She wants- nay, demands- action and sexual tension if she’s going to be intrigued and, later, pursue that man who makes her feel that special tingle.
In other words, being a fun guy doesn’t always mean you’re the one turning her on.
“Talk to the pussy, look at the face.”
To learn more about the complete lineup for next month’s summit click here.
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.