The 10th Annual Rock the Rabbit Playboy Party at SXSW!
So PetetheFreshman and I headed down to Austin Texas for the infamous SXSW festival this past week and took a few years off our lives. What is SXSW?
South by Southwest (SXSW) is a set of interactive, film, and music festivals and conferences that take place every spring in Austin, Texas. SXSW first began in 1987 and is centered on the downtown Austin Convention Center. Each of the three parts runs relatively independently, with different start and end dates.
Since Pete and I also have a budding tech company, we went down early to attend the interactive panels and see what was going on in the digital world before we lost our minds… Now I don’t really know how I feel about the interactive part being “useful” since it seemed like a bunch of pre-madonna tech evangelists who think twitter and facebook will save the world, but the second half about the music is legendary.
Pete has been down to the music part for two consecutive years prior so I was going in style. He and his friends new all the parties to RSVP for and all the best places to drink and eat for free. I even got a free pair of sneakers and 4 t-shirts out of it. I must say SXSW is one of the best music/trade show experiences I have had to date, and I have been to a LOT!
There many different venues to attend ranging from a huge outdoor (daily) concert with free booze called the Fader Fort to small private parties that only few manage to get into. One of those amazing private parties…correction, the MAIN AMAZING PRIVATE PARTY to get into was of course the Playboy Party which is called, “Rock the Rabbit”. This year it was held in conjunction with C3 Presents and Playboy, and man they did a good job!
Now you may remember that Pete, Bobby and I have already made it into the Playboy Mansion in LA, but this party was even more exclusive than that! It was so exclusive that after making numerous calls and emails I was still only able to get one RSVP. Sorry Pete…
The Rock the Rabbit Party took place on Thursday, March 19th and it was held at the old Safeway (yes an old Safeway store location). Although when I entered, it definitely didn’t seem like an old Safeway, this place was loaded with high end lighting/stage equipment and seemed more like a raving concert location. Even the Safeway ceiling lights were rigged up and flashing different colors. They really went all out and I am so glad I had the opportunity to attend… Again, sorry Pete and Bobby…
About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.