The Top 10 Pick Up Artists of 2008comom

TSB Magazine Presents

The Top 10 Pick Up Artists of 2008

TSB Magazine has been around now close to four years. Over the past couple years we have become extremely involved in the pick up and seduction community. We have had the opportunity to personally interview many of the top coaches and instructors. We have been invited to attend various boot camps and seminars. We have personally sarged with instructors, and have had behind the scenes conversations with many in the community. We have also had the opportunity to view hundreds of hours of infield video and audio from various pick up artists and instructors, as well as talk to many students who have attended various boot camps.

It is with all of this information that we have decided to honor The Top 10 Pick Up Artists of 2008.

How we have based our rankings:

The top 10 list will comprise of PUAs who have demonstrated tremendous ability both in the field, and teaching others the skills. The top PUA must be active within the community, and have testimonials from people outside his own organization.

We have chosen not to include Neil Strauss or Mystery in this list because we believe that the two of them have achieved a degree of celebrity status that makes it unfair to judge them against PUAs not known to the mainstream.

We have also chosen not to include guys like Richard La Ruina, David DeAngelo, and Nick Savoy. We consider each of these men foremost businessmen.

So without further waiting…

1. Brad P

If respect from your peers is a credential for being the best… then Brad P definitely takes top honors. Brad P is universally respected by everyone in the community for his insane ability to close quickly in field, and his increasingly large following of students who swear by his teachings.

Unlike many of the PUAs out there, Brad has a style uniquely his own. He is a tall, funny, charismatic guy who demands the attention of everyone in the room. We had the opportunity to spend time talking to Brad and listening to him speak at this year’s Super Conference in Los Angeles. The guy at the entire room in the palm of his hand every time he opened his mouth.

More importantly than gaining the respect of AFCs though, Brad is respected by just about everyone in the community. When it was Brad’s turn to speak at the convention he had some of the best PUAs in the world sitting in the front row taking notes.

If you’ve never heard of Brad P, just read Brad’s favorite opener… and you’ll get an idea of his style.

The only reason you haven’t heard more of Brad P is because he chooses not to disclose his identity on camera. If this guy released infield videos I am sure he would be a household name by now.

Brad’s definitive product is his Underground Dating Seminar.

2. Sinn

Sinn is a student of the game. I watched as Sinn took notes at the Super Conference from guys without half his level of skill. He is the master at taking elements of other people’s game and making it his own.

Sinn takes some heat for being moody, but I haven’t met anyone that will deny that his game is extraordinary. Although Sinn no longer works with Love Systems he was an attendee at their recent Super Conference. TSB Magazine had an opportunity to hang in field with Sinn for awhile. It was no surprise to hear the stories the next morning involving Sinn and 5.0 basically having an orgie with a couple girls they met out in Los Angeles that night. Infield, Sinn is the epitome of a PUA.

As I mentioned with Brad P, a big sign of someone’s talent is the respect they get from their peers. Sinn is respected by just about everyone in the industry. Various different companies bring him in as guest instructor, and no one ever denies his ability.

Sinn is also constantly giving back to the community. His blog has been popular for years and he recently released a 60 page ebook that he gave a way for free. I read the book and it is good as books I’ve seen other gurus charge good money for.

Sinns of Attraction

3. Cajun

4 words some up this guy’s legendary status: Keys to the VIP.

I’ve never seen an infield video get as universally praised as his performance on Keys to the VIP. But we would never nominate someone solely on the basis of a video. TSB Magazine had the opportunity to follow Cajun around during a boot camp. We not only got see him teach students, but more importantly we got to see his level of game in person. Cajun is just as cool, confident, and slick as he appears on video.

But what you don’t realize on video is that Cajun is like five feet tall. Unlike Brad P who benefits from a natural height advantage, Cajun has to overcome many women’s aversion to short guys.

Some people might argue that Cajun hasn’t contributed anything original as the basis of the game he teaches is MM (Mystery Method). I would argue that while Cajun teaches the MM, he blends various different elements into his own personal game. While guys like Mystery, Neil Strauss, and Mehow all use the MM to come in under the radar… Cajun’s game is much more direct. He has also perfected playing the role of the villain.

As a trained actor, Cajun uses non verbal communication as good as just about anybody I’ve seen in the field.

Cajun at Love Systems

4. AFC Adam

AFC Adam went from relative no name last year… to basically taking the world by storm in 2008. The only reason Adam Lyons doesn’t rank higher on this list is because his sarging has been limited since his girlfriend Amanda accompanies him on all of his boot camps.

TSB Magazine had an opportunity to attend an Adam Lyons boot camp last June and got to see glimpses of him in action. We will safely say that we have never met a more charming PUA. His “natural game” is unique from most everyone else on this list. The guy could charm the pants off just about any girl he comes in contact with.

We also talked to a couple students who have seen more of Adam than we had, and they were all floored by his ability. Adam Lyons is also giving back to the community by offering several free ebooks, countless media appearance, and fair priced boot camps.

We actually selected Adam Lyons as our recommended bootcamp for 2009.

5. Captain Jack

If you read Sinn’s blog you’ll realize that much of what he learns he’s learned from Captain Jack. And if you read the new lay report book, you’ll hear some good stories about this guy’s talent.

While Captain Jack isn’t a highly visible in the community, he commands the respect of his peers. Nearly everyone in the industry talks highly of his ability to score one night lays.

Captain Jack has only recently gone the guru route with his revolutionary e boot camp but is more known for his collection of field reports and free advice he offers on his blog.

6. Matador

Matador is known as Mystery’s cronie. As many people dislike the guy as like him. But there is no denying that he has established a big impact on the community in the last couple years.

The guy is the poster child for alpha male body language. And if you’ve seen him on video you know how well he can control a set.

What differentiates Matador from a lot of the guys not on this list.. is that Matador is out there living the lifestyle. There may be guys with better game, but they are sitting at home with their girlfriends and haven’t been in field in years.

7. Mehow

Mehow takes a lot of slack for copying a lot of Mystery’s game. But there is no denying that Mehow has brought more infield footage to the table than any other guru. It takes a lot of balls to perform on camera. Most gurus won’t go in front of the camera, or put out short one minute videos portraying only their best material. Mehow put out an entire 8 DVD set of himself in field.

If you watch Mehow work a set it is clear that he has a sharp understanding of how to guide an interaction along towards a kiss close. Although I’ve never been into the whole playing gay idea, it seems to work really well on the type of girls that Mehow goes for.

Mehow’s ranking in this top list has most to do with the fact that he has exposed himself to critism in a way that few PUAs have… and has for the most part walked away untouched.

8. Mr. M

Mr. M arrived on the scene with AFC Adam with their PUA.TV webisodes. They went their separate ways with AFC Adam working with PUA Training and Mr. M working with Love Systems. Mr. M is also the founder of the hugely talked about Project Rockstar, which trained a group of students in Europe, free of charge.

Mr. M, however, is making a name for himself as Love System’s top European instructor. At this year’s Super Conference Mr. M was highly praised by pretty much everybody one in attendance for both is infield game, and his ability to affectively teach the stuff.

I’ve had the chance to chat with Mr. M at this year’s Playboy Mansion party, and can say the guy is genuine and real. At only about 5’2 he also has had to overcome a huge height disadvantage, but has still managed to close Playboy Playmates.

9. Speer

Speer has been an instructor for Mystery, and has been hailed by Mystery has the “the best pickup artist he’s seen.” Speer has put out a ton of videos on You Tube and has collaborated with Love Systems, Mystery, AFC Adam, and others.

He is new to the lime light, but I trust that by the end of 2009 you will have head a lot more about Speer. His approach to game is similar to Mystery’s in giving off that rock star vibe, but he has made just enough adjustments and brings just enough originality to be considered legit.


10. Natural Tim

Natural Tim gets the 10th place word of mouth vote. I haven’t seen him in action, but there are enough people out there that put their name on the line for him that he has to be included. Sure he has put out some misstep videos… but my personal opinion was that those videos were merely meant to stir up controversy.

Tim get points for using a style of game that is a bit different from others on this list. RSD aren’t the most social of all companies… but they have a legion of fans who will fight to the grave for them. That has to stand for something.

Natural Tim at RSD

Who to look out for in 2009

Soul– This guy is a master at day game. You will surely be hearing his name again.

Tenmagnet – If I had the opportunity to see him in action this past October I’m sure he would have made the list. This is one cool guy who is more than willing to give back to the community.

Mike StouteMike Stoute is single and on a roll. He hooked up with a hired gun at the Playboy Mansion. If that doesn’t give you street credit.. nothing will. Look out for him in 2009!

Badboy – Personally I love reading his direct game newsletter. He was supposed to be at the Super Conference, but I don’t think he showed up so I didn’t get a chance to see him.

Yours Free- 85 tested, proven to work opening lines

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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences.  For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.

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