Super Conference and Playboy Party Weekend Report (w/pics)
4:00 pm
Yes, I sleep until 4 pm the next day. I tried several times to get out of bed, but the hangover was the worst I’ve had in years… At around noon I tried walking downstairs to purchase aspirin and water from the gift shop, only to find it was closed. On the way back to the room I got stuck in an elevator with an older couple. After the elevator paused on the 2nd floor for longer than necessary I became extremely claustrophobic and began sweating profusely and felt like I might faint. The older couple just stared at me like I was some sort of crack head.
4:45 pm
I finally make it downstairs to the seminar. I briefly see Savoy and shake his hand and thank him for the opportunity to head to the mansion. We chat a couple minutes about the infield workshops the night before. It turns out one of the groups actually ran into Mystery and Matador at the bar they were at. LA really is the PUA capital of the world.
5:00 pm
Mike and Pete fill me in on what I missed while sleeping the day away. Pete was a big fan of Brad Ps talk on fashion. Anyone who has read Brad’s Fashion Bible or has seen Brad in person knows that fashion is a topic Brad knows well. I was disappointed to miss that talk. On a side note, I think Pete developed a little man crush on Brad P this weekend. I was happy that I would be able to hear Brad P come back on in an hour for a talk on “10 Minute Lays” Pete also spoke highly of Soul’s talk on day game, which I really would have liked to have seen. Damn hangover!
6:00 pm
Brad P, who I must say was probably had the most charismatic presence of the weekend, gave an engaging, but ultimately disappointed speech on “10 Minute Lays.” While it is clear that Brad is quite successful at achieving these lays the entire speech seemed more like a plug for his 30/30 club than anything else. And I really didn’t get an true insights other than “it is possible and pay attention for the opportunities.” None the less, Brad is a compelling character and fun to listen to.
6:40 pm
I enter the auditorium where Braddock is giving a speech on “call back humor and conversation trigger words.” The idea of trigger words is something I’ve discussed in my 31 Days’ post on improving conversation skills. Braddock ran his talk very interactively with the audience. He would give them a sample clip of conversation and then ask them to pick out the trigger words and construct follow ups.
Braddock also discussed the idea of “call back humor” which is a term used for bringing back the same joke several times over the course of a conversation. He gave the example of finding out a girl was from a small town and then throwing “small town” jokes at her throughout the conversation. He then suggested stacking multiple topics for jokes. Once again, he invited the audience to help him construct jokes for the conversation. He also recommending take a voice recorder out with you so that you can record conversations and learn how to spot “trigger words” and “humor opportunities.” I think that is sound advice. While much of what Braddock spoke of seemed like common sense for anyone socially intelligent I thought he did a good job of explaining what some guys do naturally, but others may be struggling with.
7:00 pm
We run into Sinn and decided to do an impromptu interview with him. We schedule to meet him in a half an hour and head up to the room to grab some more tapes for the camera. In the room we discuss what instructors we wanted to tag along with later in the night. Mike and I decide that some of the guys we would most like to chill with would have been Tenmagnet, Cajun, 5.0, or Soul.
7:25 pm
We find Sinn talking to Brad P. We introduce ourselves and ask Brad if he would like to do an interview as well. We schedule Brad’s for directly after Sinn’s.
7:30 pm
We do our first official interview of the Super Conference with Sinn. Sinn was the first to reference the Strawberry Fields Routine that I posted about a few days ago. Sinn has near legend status in the community so it was cool to chat with him for awhile. Sinn also encouraged us to spread his free Game Acceleration Doctrine to our readers. This is a free 60 page ebook from a legend worth reading!
8:10 pm
We catch Cajun outside and make plans to head out with him, Kisses, and Paledon later in the night.
8:15 pm
We sit down for our interview with Brad P. Brad turns out to be a pretty cool guy. We discuss possibly having him contribute a fashion column for TSB. In the meantime, if you’re having trouble developing your own sense of style I imagine that his Fashion Bible would offer you some hope in solving your problem.
8:30 pm
Looking for a lighter Mike Stoute walks into a Halloween party of garishly dressed homosexuals. This explains the influx of gay men hanging out in the hotel this weekend. On a side note, when we were checking out some we over heard some of the other guests make a comment to the effect of “there is some dating seminar going on here.. but all them men seem to be gay” they apparently had the Love Systems Super Conference confused with whatever gay orgie was going on in the party downstairs.
10:00 pm
We arrive with Cajun, Paledon, 4 students to Big Wangs. Most of the Love Systems instructors are there all ready pregaming. Some porn star looking blonde is all over Savoy. The place is a pretty shit local joint that smelled worse than a frat house. But the energy and vibe of the night was electrifying being out so many pickup artists.
11:00 pm
We bounce from Big Wangs and walk a few blocks down to a more upscale lounge. Its me, Stoute, Pete, Cajun, Paledon, Kisses, and 4 students. I hit the bar to see if I can drink away last night’s hangover. At this point most of the attention is on the students. We were really interested in observing the bootcamp in action and seeing what kind of action the students took after two full days of seminars.
The students came out of the gate swinging. They were like approach machines, opening sets left and right. None of the students got blown out quickly, and they even singlehandedly broke apart a four set, each isolating their particular girl. Unfortunately at some point they all lost their targets.
11:15 pm
Mike opens a two set, and I jump in to wing him. Mike, Pete, and I are working the two set when Cajun comes over to us and tells us we’re leaving. We tell the girls they should come meet us later.
12:30 am
We enter Velvet Margaritas, a mix between a bar and lounge. We head out back where Pete the Freshman completely works some hot goth chick while her goofy boyfriend stood right there and wathced…slowly pulling his girl closer and closer, until finally Pete decided to back off.
Cajun sends a student over to hit on some girl slouched over on a chair. Just as the student gets over to her, she pukes right in front of him, luckily she just missed soaking him with it.
12:45 am
Cajun and Kisses were gaming this four set when their boyfriends showed up. Pete and I just stood and watched at how smoothly Kisses handled the situation, befriending the boyfriend, all the while still working the chick. It was classic to see first hand.
1:30 am
Pete and I are exhausted, starving, and ready to head to a diner. We find Stoute and he’s ready too. We have 8 strainght hours of filming to do the next afternoon, and can’t afford to waste another day hungover. Cajun, Kisser, and the students have disappeared.
We head to the diner.
1:45 am
It is quite frankly the most happening diner we’ve ever seen. Shortly after we sit down and order, Cajun, Kisses, and Moxie come in. Within minutes all three of them are making out with different chicks spread throughout the diner.
2:30 am
We go to sleep.
Sunday was was one long continuous string of interviews. We will be releasing these interviews over the next several weeks. We had the opportunity to chat with instructors such as Mr. M, Big Business, Cajun, Tenmagnet, Prestige, Sheriff, and Fader.
All of the guys were extremely cool, and since the interviews will be released shortly, I won’t spoil them for you by describing everything we talked about.
We left the for the airport around 7:00.
I thought the event was extremely well put together and an excellent opportunity for students to immerse themselves in dating science for three days.
The event was put together in a very laid back way that promoted constant interaction between students and instructors, whether it was just chilling by the pool, in the main seminar room, downstairs in the break out room, or at the bars and clubs and night.
Word-For-Word Lines For
Getting Girls
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About Bobby Rio I'm Bobby Rio, one of the founders of TSB. I tend to write about what is on my mind so you'll find a mix of self development, social dynamics and dating articles/experiences. For a collection of some of my favorite articles check them out.